Bunny Boarding in Wiltshire (Swindon)?


Young Bun
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone knows of any rabbit holiday boarding places in Wiltshire at all?

However I will happily travel a reasonable distance, I just want and need for my 4 buns to be well cared for, two of them are perfectly healthy with no problems but the other two do have "special needs" so really need to have someone who maybe has had lots of experience with dealing with rabbits with different problems!

Many thanks
Hiya Christine, we offer luxury rabbit boarding in Worcestershire, but our Clients travel on average 1- 2 hour journeys here, as they know their bunnies will have lots of space and very experienced rabbit care.
We collect and deliver rabbits too, and often travel towards Wiltshire and further afield.
Moneys raised through donations goes towards the special need bunnies in our Sanctuary. :wink:
Please Pm me if I can help, and of course it would be a good excuse to visit the Guardian Angels Sanctuary :p :lol:
Best wishes