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Blue Tit nest: U/D They are on the move!!!

Amazing :love::love::love:

Going to get the father in law one of the bird boxes with cameras for fathers day :) xxx
:love::love::love: That is awesome!

I wish I had a camera in my Tit box ... there's a lot of activity with Mum and Dad flying in and a lot of chirping noises from inside - you are so lucky to be able to witness this.
OMG Dad just said he was watching them and one of the big ones must have got curious about the entrance. Dad said he hopped up a bit and all you could see was his little tail feathers THEN he disappeared :shock: Dad yelled 'he's fallen out' and shot outside, he peeped down the back of the house expecting to see him on the floor but he had made it a couple of feet to the fence, he then flew back and managed to get back in :shock: I dont reckon it will be long now!!
They're on the move!!! 2-3 have gone!!!

Its a big world out there!!!!
Amazing :love:

I wish we had a camera in our box, it's so lovely to watch how they progress. That'll be something else to add to the wish list. :roll: