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Binky Free Ginny Binky Free


Alpha Buck
Just want to let you know we lost our bun Ginny this morning. :cry: I found her hiding behind her and her late partner Ron's favourite bush.

Apart from being 9 years old, I honestly think she passed away from a broken heart as she lost her partner Ron at Easter and they had been together since they were 9 weeks old.

Binky Free Ginny Monster Binky Free

You are now with your one true love again at the Rainbow Bridge.
I'm sorry to read that you have lost Ginny. :( Sometimes they never quite recover from the loss of a bonded partner. However you must have given them a fantastic life for them to have nine years with you and they'll now be keeping an eye on you together at the Bridge.

Binky free Ginny xx
I'm so sorry you've lost her - I really do think that some animals just 'give up' when they lose their partners. :cry:

Sweet dreams Ginny, reunited with Ron.