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Bandage chewing


Warren Scout
Cloud has managed to get his splint off once already, had it redressed at the vets yesterday and he's attacking the new one already! I've put some zinc oxide tape round the bits he's chewed but now he's just pulling that off. Is there anything I can do other than replacing bits twice a day?

He has willow sticks, lots of chew toys, jinglies, loads of hay and even some pellets left over from breakfast at the moment but he's still intent on chewing the cast. I tried stamping when he does it, distracting him with dandelions and leaves, I even tried sternly telling him no and he's being a bad bunny and he just stared at me for a moment as if to say "that's not true, you're always saying I'm a good bunny, you can't take it back now" and sent back to trading of the medical tape!

Vet says if he gets this one off we have to leave it off as it's not good to keep sedating him to put it back so I really want to keep it on this time if I can. It's due off on Friday and his leg is healing well but still needs the support if he's going to heal fully. I want him to be able to binky again but it's like he's determined not to get better :(
Someone on here told me that painting a small amount of mustard on it stops them chewing it :wave: that was when I was going to bandage willows feetsies :oops: but I haven't done it yet so I haven't tried the mustard thing :wave:
Good luck
For horses that chew their stable you can get stuff called anti crib I don't know if it is stitches for rabbits but might be worth finding out
Mustard didn't help sadly but thanks, it was worth a try. Will try and find crib guard tomorrow but for the meantime I have found a temporary fix:

Good thing Ms Dominoid has little feet!