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Jill - he has a sore-hock thing. It's not bad, & he'll get checked tonight at the vet (Calel's getting his VHD:shock: ). I'm aloe veroing now & he's on shredded paper with a rubber-mat run (which proved useful when he started spraying the floor!)

He's booked in to have them whipped off on Monday:D I probably won't tell him, cos he's a bit fed up of me checking his feet:oops:

I can't get pics from phone to here:? :roll:
poor boy..losing his plums and sore hocks:(

As for paper Jane..the times is no problem aslong as Shady can read it first!
But the drink is a no no..all the buns here are tee total as my neighbours complained last time there was a bunny-rave!:lol:
poor boy..losing his plums and sore hocks:(

As for paper Jane..the times is no problem aslong as Shady can read it first!
But the drink is a no no..all the buns here are tee total as my neighbours complained last time there was a bunny-rave!:lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I now know what sore hocks looks like.:oops: All my buns were checked last night, & now Jane's got me checking their ears:lol: I swear - sometimes it's better not to know!!