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Amber needs vibes July 26

bunny momma

Wise Old Thumper
A little before midnight, after we cleaned the litterbox and gave Amber and Zorro fresh hay, I noticed Amber did not come to me to get a few pellets. An hour ago I was upstairs and ready to go to sleep when I decided to come downstairs. I checked on Amber and she was sitting in one place and was very easy to pick up. She did not even want a dandelion leaf which I put in her mouth. She chewed a few times and did not want it. Her stomach was soft. She did this in April so I gave her medicam and am deciding if I should give her fluids. Thursday she came for her dinner and was her normal self.
There is poo in their litterbox, though I cannot tell if any is from Amber.
Please send vibes.
I'm sorry to read this. Sending her loads of vibes and I hope she improves soon. Adding some hugs for you too.
Omi and Graciee,
Thank you.
Zorro is grooming her head and ears which he rarely does. She went to the litterbox and sat near Zorro as he was crunching hay. He was chewing so loudly I could not tell if she was nibbling anything.

She just are a few pellets and a piece of dandelion green. I will get a little rest and check her in an hour or si.
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Oh sorry to hear this, poor Amber, but hopefully from your last post she is improving. Sending lots of healing vibes for her xx
I'm so pleased that she's started to eat and hope that she will continue to improve.
Pets Mum, Inspector Morse, Omi, Tonibun,

Thank you for the vibes. She came for her pellets this morning, so she is feeling better.
I have no idea what was bothering her, though she improved after getting metacam.
I hope she does not relapse.
Edit: She was not eating dandelions earlier though she showed interest before Zorro ate them all. Zorro was also giving her grooming and encouragement like a good brother.
She was eating some hay and came running for pellets at supper time.
Later I may remove Zorro for grooming so she has time to eat dandelions before he can hoover them into his tummy.
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Excellent news that Amber sounds to be on the mend. I wonder if what Jane suggested, a bit of a gassy tummy, was the problem. X
InspectorMorse, Babsie, Omi, Joey and Boo,
Thank you and everyone who had us in their thoughts.
Your support means a lack t when I am stressed with worry.
I did not feel any gurgling, yet it is possible she had a gassy tummy.
It was probably pain related because she improved after getting pain meds.
I have to decide if I should give her a dose tonight to make sure she continues to eat.
Personally I wouldn’t give any more Metacam if she’s now 100% back to normal. I understand you dont want her to stop eating due to pain again but giving pain relief when there is no immediate clinical need could just mask a problem. If you see what I mean x