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advice on how to travel with my bunny


New Kit
Hi all! i just joined this forum because im in desperate need of advice
i adopted a bunny a couple months ago in italy but now have to transport her from florence to barcelona in about 10 days.
i’ve been looking at flixbus and flights but they both don’t allow any animals other than service dogs. does anyone have any tips on how i could travel with her? does anyone have any experience taking their bunny on trains or any other transport?
thank you all in advance!
I have taken rabbits by train within the uk on many occasions. Also by car and bus, sometimes a combination of all three. I put them in a good sized cat carrier lined with newspaper and hay and give them cucumber to snack on which they generally ignore but makes me feel better.

I offer water when practical but they rarely seem interested. In all cases the rabbits swiftly get used to the train, bus or car and settle down and cuddle up to their friend (have only ever travelled with pairs).

Hope you find a solution that works.
I've taken a rabbit on a ferry, via a long car journey (3 hours plus). I used the usual hard plastic cat carrier with a thick layer of newspaper on the base and loads of hay as cushioning against being thrown around during transit. Fresh greens are useful for moisture. Water was offered in a clip on bowl when we stopped, but he didn't really touch it. Leaving water in the carrier during transit inevitbly means it will spill and the rabbit ends up sitting on wet bedding, even with a bottle rather than a bowl, although it's easier to keep offering a bottle more frequently if the carrier is within reach. If you use a bottle, I would clip a plastic bowl under it to catch the drips and keep the bottle on the outside so it can be removed easily.

Opening the carrier for anything is a risk (escape) and potentially messy (hay, poo). Once the rabbit has settled, they are usually fine and just check on them regularly without disturbing them.

Puppy pads are useful as a base layer in the carrier. You can stack them so you just remove the top used layer, leaving a fresh one already in place from underneath it. It saves a lot of messing around in public spaces while keeping the carrier dry for the rabbit, and there's less risk of escape if the carrier is only open briefly. Take something like nappy bags to dispose of the used puppy pads.

I never use heavy bowls, etc in a carrier during transit due the risk of them injuring the animal if they move. I tend to use plastic bowls that clip on to the door mesh, or something like a small, clean margarine tub for food.
Traveling with your bunny can be a bit tricky, but with a bit of preparation, it's doable! First things first, you'll need a cozy carrier for simify—something like a small pet crate or carrier that's comfy and secure. Line it with some familiar bedding or a towel so they feel at home and safe.Pack their favorite snacks and a water bottle to keep them hydrated on the go—think of it like a mini road trip for your fluffy friend! It's also important to keep the car cool and make pit stops along the way for Simify to stretch their legs and do their bunny thing. If you're flying with Simify, make sure to check the airline's rules and regulations beforehand. Some airlines allow small pets in the cabin, but there might be specific requirements you need to meet, like a certain type of carrier or health documentation.During the trip, give Simify some extra TLC—they'll appreciate the bunny-sitter vibes and the reassurance that you're there for them.
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