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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

6th bun with stasis since November - Snowflake - U/d post #124

Sorry, I don't know anything about gastric decompression but hopefully someone will give you some info soon.
How is she in herself now? Is she any worse? Has she had more pain relief? X
I will try the peppermint tea if I've got some (I'm pretty sure I have?) - thank you so much SarahP. I'm on the phone to the blue cross at the moment but sounds like they can't help because I'm out of their catchment area :(

Roxy: She feels more bloated. You can feel that the gas has been building up. In herself she's still quite bright and alert, she does get up and has cleaned her face a bit but tends to need to lay down again fairly quickly. She had a painkiller but I think she's in pain
I will try the peppermint tea if I've got some (I'm pretty sure I have?) - thank you so much SarahP. I'm on the phone to the blue cross at the moment but sounds like they can't help because I'm out of their catchment area :(

Got to be worth a go. You must be so stressed. :( x
No, they want money up front and Vets Now. They made a special exception by allowing me to pay tomorrow for her visit this morning. I phoned them just now and she's going to speak to her colleagues but the senior vet doesn't start until 6pm so she said if I haven't heard from them by then to call back. I'm really frustrated because Carefree Credit is supposed to have a 24/7 system but they're not going to get back to me until tomorrow when it's too late.
What about gastric decompression? Is that an option for her?

It is when a tube is put down into the stomach to release the gas in the stomach (upper GI tract).

''Decompression: Pass a stomach tube to decompress by releasing gas and liquid.
Make sure the rabbit is intubated. Keep the rabbit's head up to prevent aspiration of stomach contents.
The tube may block with hair/stomach contents, in which case it must be removed, emptied, and replaced.
Keep the stomach tube in place throughout surgery.
Decompression has multiple benefits, reducing pain, improving venous return to the heart and decreasing the likelihood of stomach or gut rupture.
It may be possible to pass a stomach tube in a depressed rabbit without any sedation. More usually, sedation or anaesthesia (isoflurane) is needed.''

That's a no for the Blue Cross :( She told me to try the PDSA but I can't even find an emergency number for them as I'm 'out of their catchment area'
No, they want money up front and Vets Now. They made a special exception by allowing me to pay tomorrow for her visit this morning. I phoned them just now and she's going to speak to her colleagues but the senior vet doesn't start until 6pm so she said if I haven't heard from them by then to call back. I'm really frustrated because Carefree Credit is supposed to have a 24/7 system but they're not going to get back to me until tomorrow when it's too late.
What about gastric decompression? Is that an option for her?

Have you told the Blue Cross that your bunny may be at serious risk because the vets want money up front? I have never known them to refuse treatment where an animal's life is at risk ...
Thanks Jacks Jane. Yes, I was vaguely aware of it but my vet made it sound like there was nothing that could be done. Surely they could try gadtric decompression? She's not going to clear this without some intervention
Thanks Jacks Jane. Yes, I was vaguely aware of it but my vet made it sound like there was nothing that could be done. Surely they could try gadtric decompression? She's not going to clear this without some intervention

Gastric decompression will only relieve the gas in the stomach. See diagram for where the stomach is located

From what you have posted it sounds as though the gas is actually in the intestines. So medication, fluids and abdominal massage would be the treatment usually given, as the Vet said xx
Mighty Max: No, just the metacam she had before. She's still got the catheter in her ear as she was supposed to be going to Vets Now. I've got to call after 6pm to see what the senior vet says. I tried the RSPCA again and they've given me an incident number to give to the vet, I don't know if that means they're willing to pay any more towards her or not.
I've just taken her off the bed and put her on the floor in the other room and she's spent a good 5 minutes at least running around and acting quite normal. She's even periscoped. Surely a good sign? She's also just eaten a small amount of fresh grass.

Ah, so may not be an option then :( He did specifically mention the stomach but I think there's also gas elsewhere.
When I got her home I gave her another dose of Infacol too
Mighty Max: No, just the metacam she had before. She's still got the catheter in her ear as she was supposed to be going to Vets Now. I've got to call after 6pm to see what the senior vet says. I tried the RSPCA again and they've given me an incident number to give to the vet, I don't know if that means they're willing to pay any more towards her or not.
I've just taken her off the bed and put her on the floor in the other room and she's spent a good 5 minutes at least running around and acting quite normal. She's even periscoped. Surely a good sign? She's also just eaten a small amount of fresh grass.

These are really good signs, especially having a nibble for herself. More vibes for more of the same . Could you get some brambles for her?
She had been flopped for a while but she's just got back up and she's very active. She's periscoping and investigating the room (we just redecorated it and she hasn't been in it yet) and she's run through to a few other rooms. She's moving quite effortlessly. She's cleaned herface a bit too. The best bit - she just passed something! It's very mishapen and a bit squishy but it's something! She's passed a couple of other smaller bits. She seems to be nibbling at it to help it out so I think she's struggling a bit but it means her system's moving at least a little!

These are really good signs, especially having a nibble for herself. More vibes for more of the same . Could you get some brambles for her?
Unfortunately I don't have any in the garden, just a small amount of grass :(

Here are some pictures - please forgive the awful stained carpet, it's an old one that we're planning to take out at some point - and I'm afriad I haven't vacuumed today either :oops:


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She had been flopped for a while but she's just got back up and she's very active. She's periscoping and investigating the room (we just redecorated it and she hasn't been in it yet) and she's run through to a few other rooms. She's moving quite effortlessly. She's cleaned herface a bit too. The best bit - she just passed something! It's very mishapen and a bit squishy but it's something! She's passed a couple of other smaller bits. She seems to be nibbling at it to help it out so I think she's struggling a bit but it means her system's moving at least a little!

Unfortunately I don't have any in the garden, just a small amount of grass :(

Her moving about quite a lot will help gut motility. Once things start to move through the gas should start to disperse xx
She's passing more droppings now! They're quite soft and misshapen but they're there! They look like they're trying to take on a rounded shape too. She also just wet - a rather large puddle. But it was a very dark brown which is quite alarming. Would that be expected?
She had been flopped for a while but she's just got back up and she's very active. She's periscoping and investigating the room (we just redecorated it and she hasn't been in it yet) and she's run through to a few other rooms. She's moving quite effortlessly. She's cleaned herface a bit too. The best bit - she just passed something! It's very mishapen and a bit squishy but it's something! She's passed a couple of other smaller bits. She seems to be nibbling at it to help it out so I think she's struggling a bit but it means her system's moving at least a little!

Unfortunately I don't have any in the garden, just a small amount of grass :(

Here are some pictures - please forgive the awful stained carpet, it's an old one that we're planning to take out at some point - and I'm afriad I haven't vacuumed today either :oops:



This is brilliant news :wave:
The brown urine is alarming me but I'm hoping it might be the colouring of the critical care? She's passing quite a few now and keeps exploring in between rests. She's had a single strand of hay and the end of a coriader stalk.
I'm too scared to be hopeful but I'm so glad it seems her system is trying to move again!
I've just read this whole thread, I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time, it's so stressful :( really glad that things seem to be moving now though! Sending lots of vibes for her, hopefully she is on the mend now xx