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Omg! :'( Can a rescue help? URGENT U/D Is it a sick joke?!!

Thank you so so much for the offers. :)

Had a rescue on here offer to take both animals which is probably the best option in case the owner decides after one of them is gone that she wants to keep the other! :( It's best to get them out of there together. A bun run may be needed depending on where the animals are.

If the rescue cannot take them then I will definitely be in touch with those rescues/sanctuaries that have offered help. Thank you so much. xx
:shock: Oh my god :cry: I would offer them a space too, but I think you've had offers from rescues closer to Manchester (and London, wherever she is now!). I hope she agrees to it xx
Seen you've had a few offers for a rescue space. I'm available as an overnight stop/bun run driver if required. Might not get back to this thread, but If I'm needed please PM
What an evil horrible :censored:! How can she say that is healthy?! Is there anything people who can't drive but wanna help can do??