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Omg! :'( Can a rescue help? URGENT U/D Is it a sick joke?!!

If they are in London (I live in Surrey) I can do transport on weekends or Mondays. Can drive wherever is needed as long as I can get there and back in a day (or you can put me up!! :lol: )
how could she do that to the poor rabbit? :cry: I live in the Greater Manchester area but don't think I won't be able to help due to no money or travel and obviously not being a rescue, but I really wish I could do something :cry:
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If it's nearer to me than any other rescue that has offered, I can take the rabbit here, I can drive to collect
Thank you so so much for the offers! :) I think it would be best for the bunny to go to a proper rescue because I think it needs a lot of medical care and experience. xx

The offer is there if you need it, as you know I run a sanctuary and the rabbit would get expert medical attention
The more I look at the pictures, the more I want to cry :( I just want to give them a bath, a big cuddle and a nice warm blanky to sleep on ( I know they need more than that!!!)
Thank you so so much for the offers! :) I think it would be best for the bunny to go to a proper rescue because I think it needs a lot of medical care and experience. xx

You are right...though I do have experience with abandoned bunnies, I've never taken on one in such a bad state as that. Medical care wouldn't be a problem, but a rescue would be best if someone can get to them.
Appalling!! :evil: Poor animals :cry:

If you were wanting to have them taken in together, I think the Tameside Rabbit and Guinea Pig Rescue would be your best bet. At the Society for Abandoned Animals, we may be able to take in the bun, but not the piggie as we're not equipped to do so.

Our contact details are here: http://www.saarescue.co.uk/contact if you want to give the team a ring. Hope the poor babies get out of their current position very soon!!
How appauling. Hope they get back to you. A sanctuary place like Snowy's would probably be the best option for the poor bun as looks as though it will need a lot of a care before being able to be rehomed. :cry:
Yeah, I'm the person who first saw these animals, I commented on the photo which means it popped up on Emma's news feed and she started talking to me about it. We're being polite so she will be more willing to hand them over :D
Yeah, I'm the person who first saw these animals, I commented on the photo which means it popped up on Emma's news feed and she started talking to me about it. We're being polite so she will be more willing to hand them over :D

and I'm so glad it did! So thankful that people are willing to help rescue them. x
Yeah, I'm the person who first saw these animals, I commented on the photo which means it popped up on Emma's news feed and she started talking to me about it. We're being polite so she will be more willing to hand them over :D

Thank goodness.

So much :love: on this forum when it matters, it's great :mrgreen: