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Wise Old Thumper
Molly was helped to the bridge on Saturday afetrnoon. fort he two weeks after the abcess in her jaw was drained she continued to loose weight. On Saturday she had lost too much weight and we had her downt o the vets. Ian could feel a thickening of her stomach and intestines and some small lumps. Molly had a form of cancer in her intestines, it creates small nodes all down the wall of the intestine and stops the rabbit absorbing anythinf from there food. Because of the abcess we all put her weight loss down to that and not to a tumour. Molly was 9 years old, very cute, very loving just an angel of a bun. We will miss her terribly as will Stitch. She goes to the bridge to join her origonal husbun Rex whom she loved and left us two years ago.

Molly and Rex
