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Eliza Doolittle- U/D 9th Feb-She's Dead :-(

Eliza has remained stable throughout today. She is far from out of the woods, but she hasn't totally given up.

Thank you everyone who has taken the time to post xx
Great news that she is still fighting. I really hope she starts to feel much better soon, bless her. Willow sends nose rubs x
I hope she continues to improve. Must be incredibly difficult having a bun who hates hands-on care. I have always been lucky that mine have at least tolerated it and, in some cases, seemed to enjoy the extra attention. Syringe feeding is stressful for most buns though and I must admit is something I hate having to do.

Sending lots and lots of vibes xxxx
This morning Eliza remains much the same. She will eat hay quite enthusiastically, but absolutely nothing else. She is still very on edge as she got herself into such astate with all the hands on care. We are hoping that her anxieties will reduce as she realises that she will not be handled quite so frequently.
I hope she will relax more once she realises that she doesn’t have to be handled so much. Topping up the vibes and hugs xx
I guess she knows that hay is good for her. I've never had a bun who refused herbs and other 'treats' but continued to nom hay. It must make it really difficult to keep her weight up. Your buns don't make your life easy for you, do they Jane? They are very, very lucky to have a carer who has the time, patience, knowledge and an amazing vet to look after them so incredibly well.

Sending more vibes for Eliza xxx
I'm with Rhianna. Most poorly bunnies eat anything but hay, and it comes as a great relief when they do nibble hay again.
Eliza is getting the fibre, so hopefully there will be an improvement in output today.
Lots of calming vibes to both of you.xxx
Funny how some bunnies hate handling so much. I have had Bandit five years now and he still hides in his tunnel when I open the door, he has never been mistreated, as he went into Barc a few weeks old with his parents and siblings, it's the way he is. Hates being touched by people.

Hope Eliza relaxes soon and eats different foods.
I am cautiously optimistic that Eliza may have turned a corner this afternoon. I dare not say more for fear of tempting fate................................