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Can we have some vibes for my poor Callisto please U/D: I've lost her :'(

I just can't believe how quick that was, it's hard to believe they're so fragile, even with such a clued up owner.

I'm so sorry for your loss.:cry::cry::cry:
Oh Sooz, there are just no words. :cry: I was hoping SO much that she was going to pull through and be okay.....I have been thinking about Callisto and you all day. It is always SO horrible losing a much loved bun.....but when it comes out of the blue and you lose one so suddenly like this, it is just unbearable. :cry: :cry: Sending you loads of love & hugs.....I am so, so very sorry. xxxxx :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
oh sooz, i just came on to check if Calli was okay. I'm so very sorry. There aren't any words to help you right now but Andy, Lola and Myself are thinking of you and Phil at this truly devastating time. x