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Can we have some vibes for my poor Callisto please U/D: I've lost her :'(

What you are descibing ( neurological symptoms, pyrexia general malaise ) sounds a bit 'Liver' related to me :? :cry: I would get sud-cuts going til she sees Rob if you can.

More vibes being sent


Right, I'll going and warm some up now, thank you Jane :)
I've just booked her in as an emergency, we'll be leaving in a couple of minutes as she is becoming increasingly unresponsive.
I've just brought Calli home and it's very bad news I'm afraid. Rob came off his lunch to see her and we went straight into a consulting room, where once on the table she was unable to control any of her limbs and laid with all legs spread out and her head flat on the side :cry::cry::cry:

She has had a full mouth, spine, tummy and gland exmaination and the only thing it revealed was swollen glands either side of her neck...all others were normal.

We suspect strongly that this is EC related and Rob has seen two rabbits with similar symptoms a few weeks back, we are using the same treatment regime as these because they both pulled through (one took weeks though) but Calli's prognosis is guarded at best :cry::cry:

I have very reluctantly agreed to her having a Dexamethasone injection because to be fair, we have little to loose. Alongside this she is on Panacur and Metaclopromide and Baytril injections. She is also having sub-q's regularly.

In the time it's taken me to write this she has also suffered a seizure (I did stop typing and go and sit with her).
oh Sooz...ive only just seen this. i don't know what to say besides i'm thinking of you and sending all the vibes we've got for Calli. I do hope she can pull through this.

Come on Calli, do it for your mummy