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Recent content by dyoung5

  1. dyoung5

    emergency help please *very graphic pic*

    Glad you got to see the vet, sounds like she's going to be okay :) Hope she has a full and happy life exploring the garden with you!
  2. dyoung5

    Names List

    My rabbits are called Luca,Bunnykins, Hero (girl) and Dumbo. RSPCA girls names are currently Mabel, Susie, Katie and Kiera - (and three anonymous buns that are yet to be named!)
  3. dyoung5

    Names List

    I may use some of these names to help me name the six rspca babies that have just come in :lol: I think they are all slightly different enough to tell them apart, and once I getto know their characters maybe that'll help
  4. dyoung5

    emergency help please *very graphic pic*

    I know it makes you mad doesn't it? So many people I know with rabbits have had vets shocked that they want to treat their pets rather than put them down!!! Not to mention some of the crazy pieces of advice I've heard vets give - one recommended lettuce for rabbits :shock: I guess its the bank...
  5. dyoung5

    emergency help please *very graphic pic*

    Don't panic, she's indoors and you can keep an eye on her. Try not to handle her too much and eep her somewhere dark so she's calm and in case it causes any discomfort.
  6. dyoung5

    emergency help please *very graphic pic*

    Hate to say it but usually breeders words aren't much to go on, especially in a rescue situation. She's quite young so hopefully can bounce back quickly once she gets to the vets. If she's lost alot of blood she may need to go on a drip. Keep her warm and calm, and try to encourage her to eat...
  7. dyoung5

    emergency help please *very graphic pic*

    Good thiking half penny, and if she's an ex-breeder who knows what kind of trauma she may have had/ over use and latest pregnancy. No experience either with pregnancy!
  8. dyoung5

    emergency help please *very graphic pic*

    questions Has she been neutered lately? How old is she? And are there any other rabbits that she lives with? Sometimes during a scrap, genitals can get bitten and can be a target. Perhaps I miss read somewhere but I think an emergency vet is needed all the same. I really hope all is okay...
  9. dyoung5

    How many bunnies is this hutch big enough for?

    I have one of these coops and it is great for the bunnies overnight - plenty of space and height for me to get in to clean out etc! I do have a large paddock attached too so they have a bigger area to run around on. This is a brilliant option for bunnies and much better than any hutch you can...
  10. dyoung5

    Photos of the buns and their housing!

    Katie and Kira - about 10 weeks old. Owners said they had four rabbits - turned up to RSPCA with five very hot rabbits in a box. They are all different ages and two too young to have left their mother (katie and kira probably are too?) and the owner said she didn't know that the adults were male...
  11. dyoung5

    Is it me, or does this rabbit look terrified?

    I really wish I could remember my youtube password and then give them a comment! :censored:
  12. dyoung5

    Big enough for two?

    Or a small dog cage can be handy? Ones that can fold away after use!
  13. dyoung5

    question about hamster cages

    Bigger the better! Our latest rescued hamster has a huge four level chinchilla/ ferret cage along with wheel.. only seems fair really considering how long they spend in cage. And it actually was a lot cheaper than any hamster cages we found! Brand new too. We've used various things to put down...
  14. dyoung5

    My Bunny Shed...help needed

    Cat flap - leave the flap open for a few days prop with a brick or something similar so they get the idea. Then when you let the flap down they'll naturally investigate and soon cotton on!!
  15. dyoung5

    Indoor cage size for 2 & bonding & pictures!!

    I've read somewhere that two rabbits might be better in larger spaces with more things to hide around/ in so that they can't make direct eye contact all of the time (meant to be a challenge?) but not 100% sure on whats best. As for the space, indoor and outdoor specs remain the same and I...