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Names List

My female bunnies are:


Some of my bridge bunnies names were:

Daisy May
i have daisy
maisy (bridge bunny)
lola (bridge bunny)
i also have 2 female guineas whos names i would happily of used for a bun

i also have a female tortoise called sunny :D
and a female hamster roxy and a female degus jelly i think thats every one lol
My little girlie bun is called Dizzi (her brother is called Rascal).

I did a bit of fostering earlier in the year to a bunny who I named Mitzy (previously she'd been called Mixy because of her colouring but it reminded me too much of myxi as in myxomatosis) :oops:
I may use some of these names to help me name the six rspca babies that have just come in :lol:

I think they are all slightly different enough to tell them apart, and once I getto know their characters maybe that'll help

Just wondering if everyone (that means you as well! :no:) could please 'reply' with what their female buns are called or their bridge bunnies names too?

Need LOTS of inspiration!

Ta! :D:wave:

I've got Tinkerbell, Peaches, Ebony, Muffin, Shyla.
I also like Mollie and Maisie
Gosh - I can't believe how many rabbits some people have! brilliant!
I've just got 2 girls - Truffle and Fudge :)
My bun is called April. We were stuck betwenn a lot of names before settling on that though. I really like flo (short for florence), Summer, Lily, Willow, Ruby and Sky. But she just didn't suit any of them. She looked like an April :) xxx
well my old rabbit sadly gone now was called misty
my new rabbit will be called buttercup if i get the orange one if black midnight snuggles :oops: "no im not gay"
I had one called Smudge and my little one is Domino. I usually go off some sort of markings on them, Smudge from the little smudge mark she had on her nose, and domino for the white splodge on her head and nose...

Try that for an idea??
My rabbits are called Luca,Bunnykins, Hero (girl) and Dumbo.

RSPCA girls names are currently Mabel, Susie, Katie and Kiera - (and three anonymous buns that are yet to be named!)