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Is it me, or does this rabbit look terrified?

Can't watch it sorry but, no doubt she is a thick shat looking for attention and abusing animals is her pathetic way of doing it - lets hope she gets what she deserves !:evil:
its ridiculous, as my dad always says "anything with four legs can swim, even if not very far. but if you dont see them in the water of their own accord, they dont want to"

(when i was little i asked him if hamsters could swim, because we had to clean my poorly hams bum and my dad was being very careful)

I always comment on these videos but it does nothing

Poor bunny :cry:

I have reported the video.. as animal cruelty...

Hope no one copies them and puts their buns in a pool :(
you can report it to youtube. there are much worse videos of bunny abuse still on there though
ditto that.
I saw one of someone putting a rabbit in to a snake's cage. The snake wrapped around it, you cold see the poor thing's legs sticking out all tensed up and hear it screaming for about a minute before it died. it was horrific.
ditto that.
I saw one of someone putting a rabbit in to a snake's cage. The snake wrapped around it, you cold see the poor thing's legs sticking out all tensed up and hear it screaming for about a minute before it died. it was horrific.

That's what I mean :cry: I daren't even watch those ones. A guy got arrested for doing that so it's some progress can't remember if he was from America or over here though
:shock::shock::shock: That is sick, really sick. The poor bun :censored: You're right, it looks terrified:cry: Why are people so cruel??:censored:
ditto that.
I saw one of someone putting a rabbit in to a snake's cage. The snake wrapped around it, you cold see the poor thing's legs sticking out all tensed up and hear it screaming for about a minute before it died. it was horrific.

I saw that video too, but couldn't watch it until the end.
What most upset me is not the end of the poor rabbit, but that he had a box full of rabbits for his snake to eat, and I thought what a wonderful pet each of them could make. It made me really sad.
I don't get it. She even says they put him in, and he sit and floats...how does she not see he's scared? I remember a similar vid, but the woman actually showed the rabbit willingly jumping in the pool on a hot day. The rabbit was similarly motionless but he looked as if he was flopped :lol: This one just looks scared.
There are more like this

This is not the only one .. there are others.

Totally wrong ... some of the videos you cannot leave messages on simply because they have been bombarded with comments of disaproval.

How can some people be soo cruel.
I've left a message but I've got a feeling it'll not be approved, I've reported the video to youtube as well but didn't get the option to add a comment to the report. If I had I'd have said why I consider it abuse but I worry that the moderators will not see it as such.
thats the biggest worry i have. that people copy.


have made a facebook page, if everyone joins maybe it can spread and stop such videos, bit ambitious but as it only takes one click to "like" why not?

I have left a comment about that bunny in a pool and have made a point of saying that I hope people don't copy her, seemingly my comments have to be approved before they can go on view.