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Vibes for Bunski tomorrow please! UD: Off to get him!

please try not to worry. my vets keep them all in after a biggish op like that anyway so they can be sure they're ok before they go home:)
Hope he's home soon - at least he's in the best place for medical care should he need it - and think of how thankful he'll be to you when he's home xxxx :D
Don't worry, my rabbit didn't eat properly until the day after her spay, only the odd strand of hay. Bunski will be very well looked after and sending him lots of vibes so he can come home tomorrow xxx

And I hope you are ok, you sound like you are missing him xxx
Aw Chul, it must be strange not having him about and you must be besides yourself but i am so sure he's in the best place and he'll be home with you shortly xxx
Only an hour to go!! Im sure he will be fine some buns do take longer than others it sounds like you have a great vets :D

Is he getting a ladyfriend once he has recovered?
Only an hour to go!! Im sure he will be fine some buns do take longer than others it sounds like you have a great vets :D

Is he getting a ladyfriend once he has recovered?

He isn't getting one right away. Money is pretty tight at the moment, but hopefully one day in the future he will. I'm doing it just so he doesn't have raging hormones as he started to show them.
Sorry he didn't get home last night, but I'm sure he will be fine after he has had a chance for a good sleep.

My girl was spayed yesterday and she came home too tired to do anything much. It's been a long night worrying about her, but thankfully she has started to eat a bit now.

I know you wanted him home, but it would have been really upsetting for you to see him so zonked out.