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willow is poorly- U/D sat seems a lot better

he is doing ok this afternoon, he has just had some watercress and cauli leaves and has eaten quite a lot of grass. he is pooing although they are still reasonable small.

he doesnt seem to be showing any signs of pain, he is running and jumping and seems pretty lively although he is resting more than usual

i got some of the parsley growing in a pot and he has had some of that too
i've just put a pile of hay in the hutch and will and cerys are both munching quite happily on it:D

thank you to all the vibes and good wishes, especially from those people who are having tough times themselves at the moment, willow says it means a lot to know people are thinking of him
well i have just found out that willow had the lapinject vhd vaccine and not the cylap vhd vaccine which is the one he has always had in the past.

feel really stupid for not checking that sooner