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Vaccine reaction?


Mama Doe
Last Sunday I bonded Bally, a lovely french lop with Candy and Jasper ready to go to their fab new home this weekend. Bally had her Myxi vacc on Sunday but just 4 days later she suddenly developed severe respiratory problems. Dispite receiving appropriate meds and being put in an oxygen tent at the vets she sadly had to be put to sleep as she was starting to suffer and nothing more could be done :cry: Does anyone know if this could be a reaction to the myxi vacc as she was a perfectly healthy bunny before that :cry:
My Vet says that any apparently clinically 'well' Rabbit can have lungs that are shot to pieces from latent Pasteurellosis. My Vet recently lost a very young Doe under GA (routine spay) and a PM revealed severe Pasteurella damage to the lungs. The Bun had no clinical symptoms what-so-ever and her chest sounded as clear as a bell.

Maybe Bally had a similar problem and once the immune system was 'diverted' to react to the Myxi Vacc (as is meant to happen) the latent Pasteurella in the lungs became active and took over.

Poor Bun :cry:
