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Two new arrivals- U/D home from his op

Poor little mite :cry: I really hope Benji will be ok Theo - sending him lots of vibes & snuggles for both boys xxx
Awwww Theo hope everything goes ok and at least he is in the best hands with you and Paula:D
Well, Benji went in this morning for his op and Paula found 3 abcesses, one of the being a tooth root abcess, she has cleaned them out as best she can, that was on one side of his face and the other side she found his whole cheek ulcerated, she said it looked like he has been chewing his cheek.

Paula was unable to give him a full GA because of his chronic snuffles and so was imited as to how much she could do, he has come home with a bucket load of medications

He has eaten since being home and seems very relaxed

Thanks for all the vibes
Awww bless him, poor little fella - he must have been in so much pain :cry:

Sending lots more vibes for Benji & big snuggle xxx