tell me about the name Froe please ? I like it btw
I'm pronouncing it like Frohe because I am sehr froh to see all thistell me about the name Froe please ? I like it btw
tell me about the name Froe please ? I like it btw
I'm pronouncing it like Frohe because I am sehr froh to see all this
Glad you like it
OH's suggestion and I was sure at first. But then it's taking me a while to get used to a bunny smaller than Tui :lol:
Name is a play on 'to and fro' and also a froe is a tool and OH does a lot of woodcutting here.
How on earth have I missed this thread up until now?! I hope the bonding is still going well. They do look very relaxed in each other's company.
Great newsI was told by the rescue lady that she would keep Froe's accommodation untouched, just in case the bond didn't work out and he needed to return. He and Tui are very much a couple now, snuggling and grooming each other lots of the time, so I let her know last night that he definitely wasn't going to be going back and she could use his accommodation for another bunny
Is it Tui as in the native New Zealand bird : )?
Tui's Mum (also called Tui) was adopted from a very large rescue of NZ White x Californian meat rabbits. She was pregnant when rescued and Tui was one of her litter. We adopted her when she was 3 months old. The rescue gave most of the rabbits NZ-related names, in acknowledgement of their breed and because Mum Tui was such a beautiful rabbit, we decided to call her Daughter Tui as well