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Tooey has "come home" - pictures of urn and pawprint- 2 months gone

Thank you to those who posted after I left this thread for a bit. I appreciate all your kind words and vibes. :love:

Tooey, my precious one....
It's been over two months now since you left us, girl. I still haven't made a post for you in RB. I'm sorry, I do mean to, I just don't have the time right now and I'm sure you know why.
S still misses you terribly. It was only one of the two worst things he's had to go through. The other came shortly thereafter.
I felt your presence yesterday but it was while I was driving and it wasn't a happy memory and I couldn't deal with it. I am sorry I told you I couldn't think about you at that moment. It wouldn't have been safe for me to break down just then.

I am still so sad that you are gone, but also relieved that you are not having to deal with everything here right now. It would not have been good for you.
Your ashes are still in pride of place. I place my hand on your urn often and wish you well. I miss you so much.
Don't ever leave me, my sweet. Come with us when we leave this place. Watch over us always. Love you to the moon and back. :cry::cry::cry: xxxxxxx
Thank you to those who posted after I left this thread for a bit. I appreciate all your kind words and vibes. :love:

Tooey, my precious one....
It's been over two months now since you left us, girl. I still haven't made a post for you in RB. I'm sorry, I do mean to, I just don't have the time right now and I'm sure you know why.
S still misses you terribly. It was only one of the two worst things he's had to go through. The other came shortly thereafter.
I felt your presence yesterday but it was while I was driving and it wasn't a happy memory and I couldn't deal with it. I am sorry I told you I couldn't think about you at that moment. It wouldn't have been safe for me to break down just then.

I am still so sad that you are gone, but also relieved that you are not having to deal with everything here right now. It would not have been good for you.
Your ashes are still in pride of place. I place my hand on your urn often and wish you well. I miss you so much.
Don't ever leave me, my sweet. Come with us when we leave this place. Watch over us always. Love you to the moon and back. :cry::cry::cry: xxxxxxx