Time to give up?


The bond between my lionheads was going well they had been together since sat morning with no major issues. Frank was a bit humpy but no major fall outs. It seems last night evie got fed up of the humping as there was a lot of Frank fur all over the shed this morning, no injuries though.

Do I keep going with them? Maybe take them for a car journey or do I decide that franks lack of social skills make him unable to bond?
IMO, I would try the car journey and if that doesn't work, then maybe the bond is not meant to be. It's worth a try. Best of luck.
I think it's too early to give up, it's quite common for things to take a while to settle down especially if one of the buns is very humpy. Does she have places she can get away from his advances - hidey holes, tunnels, boxes etc? What are they like together most of the time? Have you seen any grooming? When were they put in the shed? I definitely wouldn't give up yet and I definitely wouldn't assume that it makes Frank unbondable.
Can't offer any advice sorry, but I hope things settle down. I'd probably stick with it a big longer, and try the car journey but you know both the bunnies best.
It sounds like they just need to get past this. I would definitely try a car ride and if you are not happy with leaving them alone together add a partition so they are living together but can't hurt each other and do a 'slow bond.' Ok this may take some time but it will be worth it. Definitely don't give up just yet x.
I think it's too early to give up, it's quite common for things to take a while to settle down especially if one of the buns is very humpy. Does she have places she can get away from his advances - hidey holes, tunnels, boxes etc? What are they like together most of the time? Have you seen any grooming? When were they put in the shed? I definitely wouldn't give up yet and I definitely wouldn't assume that it makes Frank unbondable.
They have been good together and yes there has has been grooming but not from frank. He has always been single and I don't think he knows how to interact

They went into the shed in a pen on sat and I took the pen out sun night
It's only been four days definitely don't give up yet. I always bond for at least a week before moving or changing anything so still early days :)
Im no expert-Ive only done one bond and the bunnies virtually bonded themselves-but like other responses I wouldn't give up yet.I would go for the slow bond tho if they can be kept in pens next to each other.
Ive had a bunny previously thought to be "unbondable"-no social skills-but he did eventually get the idea of bunny friendship and is happily bonded now.

Loads of luck and bonding vibes.
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Just been out to check them now and fudge and evie were curled up together fast asleep and frank was flopped in a corner. I went in andd evie went over and washed him then nipped him grr poor frank
Car journey. Don't give up. Also, don't expect mutual grooming. Lots of my pairs haven't groomed at all, but have still been happy. Good luck! :wave:
They are injury free so keep it up! C'mon bunnies...mine are 9 weeks in & I'm sticking with it :lol:
Don't give up :shock:

It took me nearly 5 weeks to bond Rosie and Pie before they were happy

It took 4 weeks of all 4 in the bonding pen before I was happy and then it wasn't perfect

I thought I was going yo end up with a trio and a single white female Pie had been alone for 2 yrs and lacked social skills but she came round unless they are hurting each other stay with it :thumb:

As for the car journey I did this with Rosie and Pie and it didn't help they just needed time to get used to each other
Just been out to check them now and fudge and evie were curled up together fast asleep and frank was flopped in a corner. I went in andd evie went over and washed him then nipped him grr poor frank

This is what they were doing with Pie so I know how you feel too :( if he won't wash her back like Pie wouldn't then they made her know that it wasn't allowed :roll:

Keep at it sending some grooming vibes for frank :)
:wave: Don't give up. Remember it took me 4-5 months to bond Homer and Katy. She ended up idolising him and was like his shadow :love:
Is it totally neutral where they are? Also keep the space small and let extend the space gradually. Good luck. On here or FB for moral support;)
Well things were better after the car journey yesterday but there were bits of Frank everywhere this morning. He has a few bald patches and bite marks too. I can't really blame evie though he is VERY humpy!

I have split the shed now and separated them. I feel bad though as it's only 6x4 in total. I've never done a slow bond before. How long do I keep them separate for?
I would put them together when you are there to monitor it and if any aggression starts, separate immediately and try again an hour or so later and keep trying to extend the periods they are together.
Ok thanks. I will leave them apart overnight and put them together tomorrow night Fri night and the weekend. I feel so mean they have such a small space