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This week in Twickenham I am bonding .....

Down the road from Twickers I have a failed bonding


I dont know how you do so many Janice. The stress would finish me off :shock:
Ive put Vinnie and Miffy in one a bit bigger than that,how long do you usually leave them in the cage for?

I would leave them at least 48 hours, longer if possible. I would then move them to their permanent place but not give them too much space. If they are going to live in a double hutch I would give them only one layer for the next 3 or 4 day and then slowly increase what they are allowed.

From my own experience I have found that giving them too much space too quickly is likely to end up in fighting. If they do have a few fights I will often suggest cutting the space down they have access to,
I would leave them at least 48 hours, longer if possible. I would then move them to their permanent place but not give them too much space. If they are going to live in a double hutch I would give them only one layer for the next 3 or 4 day and then slowly increase what they are allowed.

From my own experience I have found that giving them too much space too quickly is likely to end up in fighting. If they do have a few fights I will often suggest cutting the space down they have access to,

Are they ok not having excersise for that long? Any advice Miffy wont let Vinnie out of the litter tray?
Are they ok not having excersise for that long?

We are only talking for a maximum usually of a week, you have to weigh up the pros and cons, to me if this helps get them to bond better and they settle quicker together, this outweighs the disadvantages of them getting lots of exercise.

Any advice Miffy wont let Vinnie out of the litter tray?

I would remove the litter tray then there is no domination ;)
awwwww just caught up with this, just read the email from donna,as i was at hers cleaning the buns out :D i was like oh where she gawn, and there she is at yours, i love amilliea shes a loverly shy lil thing, who needs a loving husbun bless her, looks like its going well :D:love:
since last night!

About 8.30 pm

We now have 2 pairs tucked up in their respective litter trays, Paddy the big black bunny is frantically grooming Amelia to the point where she is being rocked in the tray, it looks like she is being eaten alive :shock:
About 8.30 pm

We now have 2 pairs tucked up in their respective litter trays, Paddy the big black bunny is frantically grooming Amelia to the point where she is being rocked in the tray, it looks like she is being eaten alive :shock:

Since 8.30 last night? What were they like when you first put them together? i think these two need to come to you!
Oh my Janice, I have just had a look at the vid. That's bloody amazing. What a wonderful couple they make. Thank you!

Eve isn't going to believe it. She and Doug will be so delighted with their new wee man.

You are a bonding angel. Honestly you are!
When I first put Paddy with Amelia he immediatly jumped her, she just laid down and let him. As soon as he got off her, she dug a hole in the hay in the litter tray and stayed under neath it, hense the first picture of her where you can realy only see her eyes, this morning she had progressed out of the tray and was sitting about 24 inches away from him. It was mid afternoon that things progressed and he has just started wanting to 'eat' her.

With Maple and Benny everything was intitially quiet, we had a few scuffles, bit of chasing, small amount of fur was pulled out, Maple did a quick groom of Benny but not a lot else happened. This morning inititally one was in the tray, the other outside. I left it in as no one was dominating the tray. Mid morning they were sitting together in the tray but no licking. All of a sudden this evening Benny started licking Maple and she then started to respond back to him.

When did you start your two off?