Talking Rabbit behaviour and instincts. (a little bun philosophy)

I have a theory about Alfie and cuddles. This bun hates to be picked up but once caught in his "scoop" try to get him off Maddy. I think he feels safe, secure and protected. These issues would be high priority on any prey animals mind. To me this is the highest trust Alfie can show. Is this "love" or am I wrong and our little fur balls love us as we love them?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on our little buddies. By the way, having only been introduced to Rabbits in March my mates think I have gone stark raving bunny mad.




I think the last pic should be called "I trust you with my life"
I think the last photo is "I trust you with my life". He is such a beautiful little soul and I love him so much. My little sooty fawn............
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Lot's of bunnies don't like the swing through the air part of being picked up, but settle once their feet are somewhere more secure. If that's the usual seat, you could try turning a box into steps so he can climb up himself to reach your lap :) It looks like he enjoys the snuggle part a lot!
He clearly loves you.

Most rabbits panick when being picked up, They are prey animals and in the wild being picked up means they are about to be killed.

I have rabbit who absolutely hates being picked up and struggles like mad, however as soon as I sit on the floor, sofa or lie on my bed she is there. She absolutely craves close physical human contact. She does her bunny flops right next to me, so close that you couldn't even fit a piece of paper between us.
But she really does not like other rabbits.