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Sylar's stasis thread

Sy's poops have always been darker rather than golden. Hiro's too actually!
I really hope that you are right, it would be nice if I never had to smell those stinkies again. They were so strong and we have affectionately called him Syly-Stinkbum for most of his life. Poor guy. We did ask various vets about it but none of them had any answers. I can't remember if we mentioned it to Molly, maybe not though because we just got used to it and it didn't seem to cause him any issues.

When I was little my parents had a family party and they plonked me in front of the tv. There was a programme on about fish and they started doing a segment on Octopuses. Out of nowhere I shouted 'MUM! LOOK AT ALL OF HIS TESTICLES!' :lol: :oops: Obviously I meant tentacles and my lovely family still bring it up at gatherings now, 20 years later!!!!

Some years ago quite a lot of us with stasis/bloat prone rabbits for totally different reasons got together, & found that there quite a lot of factors which caused gut slow down without symptoms & then there was a last straw effect. Stinky poohs always mean that there are the wrong micro organims around somewhere 99.99% of the time they're in the caecum = uneaten caecals. However it is possible just to get them in the middle & end part of the colon so only the waste poohs are affected. Some of these microorganisms make toxins which slow down the gut, especially the really stinky ones. Add to that that he's a bit nervous - startles easily, then add a chest infection, (& Abx can cause a bit of overgrowth)

(You said he had a clean but stinky bum. IMO a bit of waste matter was getting in his anal glands & causing stinky there too, & this might have been why he was making your bed smelly. Rabbits usually clean out their anal glands themselves, as I think Sylar has done, but some need a bit of help.)

When we increase the fibre, the whole GI tract works more healthily & faster, so they can eat more as well as get more nourishment from hay & grass. The abnormal microorganisms can't thrive in this environment.I describe it as "starve them out & flush them out". I know it scares some people when we talk about low nutrient foods but this is actually how a rabbit's gut is designed to function, & stay healthy.
Whatever the management is the same - cut out the high nutrients & increase fibre, which is what you are doing, very successfully.

It's also possible that abnormal bacteria are causing another problem but the info is from 6 years ago & not proven. Some vets think that the toxins from the abnormal gut bacteria also increase the blood supply to the tooth roots causing dental problems.
I can't promise that his dental problems will stop completely without the colonic dysbioisis - some rabbits do, & some don't.

It's all making a lot of sense to me & I think this is a huge step forward.

Thank you so much for giving us another laugh.
Some years ago quite a lot of us with stasis/bloat prone rabbits for totally different reasons got together, & found that there quite a lot of factors which caused gut slow down without symptoms & then there was a last straw effect. Stinky poohs always mean that there are the wrong micro organims around somewhere 99.99% of the time they're in the caecum = uneaten caecals. However it is possible just to get them in the middle & end part of the colon so only the waste poohs are affected. Some of these microorganisms make toxins which slow down the gut, especially the really stinky ones. Add to that that he's a bit nervous - startles easily, then add a chest infection, (& Abx can cause a bit of overgrowth)

(You said he had a clean but stinky bum. IMO a bit of waste matter was getting in his anal glands & causing stinky there too, & this might have been why he was making your bed smelly. Rabbits usually clean out their anal glands themselves, as I think Sylar has done, but some need a bit of help.)

When we increase the fibre, the whole GI tract works more healthily & faster, so they can eat more as well as get more nourishment from hay & grass. The abnormal microorganisms can't thrive in this environment.I describe it as "starve them out & flush them out". I know it scares some people when we talk about low nutrient foods but this is actually how a rabbit's gut is designed to function, & stay healthy.
Whatever the management is the same - cut out the high nutrients & increase fibre, which is what you are doing, very successfully.

It's also possible that abnormal bacteria are causing another problem but the info is from 6 years ago & not proven. Some vets think that the toxins from the abnormal gut bacteria also increase the blood supply to the tooth roots causing dental problems.
I can't promise that his dental problems will stop completely without the colonic dysbioisis - some rabbits do, & some don't.

It's all making a lot of sense to me & I think this is a huge step forward.

Thank you so much for giving us another laugh.

Ah Thumps, you are wonderful! You describe everything so well that it's all starting to make sense to me now too. I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I don't want to be disappointed but I'm keeping everything crossed that we have solved the problem.

I was only saying to Mighty Max the other day that he seems more like himself and that I hadn't really noticed how not himself he's been lately.
Old Sylar was highly intelligent and he got bored very easily. He was always chewing, digging, playing or being somewhere that he shouldn't be. He was an incredibly naughty but fun boy and actually he was really hard work at times! This is how I would always describe Sylar but somewhere along the way this changed and it's been such a gradual change that we have barely noticed it at all. He got lazier, less mischievous and he pretty much stopped playing. Maybe we noticed a little bit but we put it down to him being sad about Hiro being poorly and also that he was growing up.
In the last week he has been keeping us up all night jumping on things, chewing/playing with his toys and running around. I didn't realise that I'd missed it but now he's doing it again I don't really want it to stop. I mean, who needs sleep anyway?!?!
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Ah Thumps, you are wonderful! You describe everything so well that it's all starting to make sense to me now too. I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I don't want to be disappointed but I'm keeping everything crossed that we have solved the problem.

I was only saying to Mighty Max the other day that he seems more like himself and that I hadn't really noticed how not himself he's been lately.
Old Sylar was highly intelligent and he got bored very easily. He was always chewing, digging, playing or being somewhere that he shouldn't be. He was an incredibly naughty but fun boy and actually he was really hard work at times! This is how I would always describe Sylar but somewhere along the way this changed and it's been such a gradual change that we have barely noticed it at all. He got lazier, less mischievous and he pretty much stopped playing. Maybe we noticed a little bit but we put it down to him being sad about Hiro being poorly and also that he was growing up.
In the last week he has been keeping us up all night jumping on things, chewing/playing with his toys and running around. I didn't realise that I'd missed it but now he's doing it again I don't really want it to stop. I mean, who needs sleep anyway?!?!

You've had so little of it one way or another these days that I should think you've forgotten how to sleep through the night Roxy :D

I hope Sy will stay well and give you heart binkies :love:
He still seems good :) He's hasn't been overly enthusiastic about his greens yesterday and today but he is still eating coriander so I'm trying not to worry too much! He's eating plenty of hay and foragey goods though and he's very lively. I found him inside a cardboard box on top of their dog crate last night. How he got up there I will never know. I've blocked it off!!
He still seems good :) He's hasn't been overly enthusiastic about his greens yesterday and today but he is still eating coriander so I'm trying not to worry too much! He's eating plenty of hay and foragey goods though and he's very lively. I found him inside a cardboard box on top of their dog crate last night. How he got up there I will never know. I've blocked it off!!

Still keeping you on your toes, I see! :roll:
Still keeping you on your toes, I see! :roll:

It's been like that since day one. A week after getting them I came home from work to find him in my bedroom, dragging one of his back legs behind him. He'd scaled his very high pen and must have caught his leg on the top. I spent Valentines Day at the emergency vets. I knew that he was going to be trouble from that moment on!!!!
It's been a month since we stopped giving Sy pellets. If we get through today then we've also had a month with no major issues!
They are so naughty and playful in the night now that I've had to resort to shutting them in their bedroom when I go to sleep. They keep me up ALL night otherwise which is irritating but wonderful at the same time. It's nice to see them playing and being mischievous!
Sy is also still eating all of his greens and yesterday decided that he likes Basil. He's ignored it for the last 2 years.
Fingers crossed going forward :) Thanks everyone for all of your help! I really hope that we have cracked this now. It's looking good :)
It's been a month since we stopped giving Sy pellets. If we get through today then we've also had a month with no major issues!
They are so naughty and playful in the night now that I've had to resort to shutting them in their bedroom when I go to sleep. They keep me up ALL night otherwise which is irritating but wonderful at the same time. It's nice to see them playing and being mischievous!
Sy is also still eating all of his greens and yesterday decided that he likes Basil. He's ignored it for the last 2 years.
Fingers crossed going forward :) Thanks everyone for all of your help! I really hope that we have cracked this now. It's looking good :)

Brilliant ! :D
It's been a month since we stopped giving Sy pellets. If we get through today then we've also had a month with no major issues!
They are so naughty and playful in the night now that I've had to resort to shutting them in their bedroom when I go to sleep. They keep me up ALL night otherwise which is irritating but wonderful at the same time. It's nice to see them playing and being mischievous!
Sy is also still eating all of his greens and yesterday decided that he likes Basil. He's ignored it for the last 2 years.
Fingers crossed going forward :) Thanks everyone for all of your help! I really hope that we have cracked this now. It's looking good :)

Wonderful news :D
It's been a month since we stopped giving Sy pellets. If we get through today then we've also had a month with no major issues!
They are so naughty and playful in the night now that I've had to resort to shutting them in their bedroom when I go to sleep. They keep me up ALL night otherwise which is irritating but wonderful at the same time. It's nice to see them playing and being mischievous!
Sy is also still eating all of his greens and yesterday decided that he likes Basil. He's ignored it for the last 2 years.
Fingers crossed going forward :) Thanks everyone for all of your help! I really hope that we have cracked this now. It's looking good :)

Thats great and must be such a relief :)

Our indoor two are always darting around all evening. Thankfully my dd seems able to sleep through it (it's her room / cabin bed) but we can hear them banging around. It is good to know they are having fun together though, which is just what we wanted x
after persevering so long and trying so many things I'm so happy it appears you've got a solution. Down with nasty pellets! Joey & Boo have been driving me nuts at night (4am onwards) too - infuriating and wonderful is about right
Aww thanks everyone. I've spent all day hoping that I haven't jinxed things by writing the above post. Bunnies send us a bit loopy don't they?! I've just got home from work and he seems absolutely fine. Just taking it one day at a time. I'm so relieved for him though, he must have felt rotten for a really long time :(
Aww thanks everyone. I've spent all day hoping that I haven't jinxed things by writing the above post. Bunnies send us a bit loopy don't they?! I've just got home from work and he seems absolutely fine. Just taking it one day at a time. I'm so relieved for him though, he must have felt rotten for a really long time :(

Fingers crossed here and so pleased to hear this :D