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So who has a rabbit folder/ringbinder? :)

I need to do something like this. I keep all my receipts from the vet as well but they're currently in several places in the house. And then there's Jenna's adoption papers (made by the rescue owner on MSWord-not "pedigree papers" like she told us they would be) that I've turned the house upside down looking for...they should have been in my room but when we were running from wildfires last year I couldn't find them and had the house burned down I would've lost them and all the other info on the pets. So I may make two binders and keep one in a separate location just in case.
One other thing I had to think of after my trip to the E.R. earlier this year was to be certain I leave instructions as to who will be caring for my bunnies should the worst happen. Most folks think they are too young to leave an animal companion directive in their will, if they even have a will in the first place, but it's absolutely essential. Anything can happen and especially at my age I want no arguments as to who takes on my beloved furbabies should I no longer be here to care for them.