Warren Scout
Hi, my rabbit has recently sneezing a lot and with some nasal discharge, so we took him to the vet and he was given Baytril to take for a few days as it is thought to be a respiratory infection (we’re currently on the second day of giving the antibiotic with no improvement just yet but that is expected). I’m possibly being paranoid and have now just thought if it his sneezing/the infection be the result of switching to a new hay. However, this is the Small Pet Select 2nd Cutting Timothy Hay (good quality hay from what I have heard and low in dust) so I feel as though it shouldn’t be triggered by that? Also, we introduced the hay over the span of around 2-3 weeks so I feel as though he would have shown signs of being allergic to it sooner than like 2-3 weeks after it was initially introduced. Does anyone think the hay could be the cause? Or he has developed the respiratory infection from other things? Just to note, he is a rescue and initially came from a bad breeder (pet store) and I know snuffles can be passed on from the mother to babies when they are young and can be triggered later in life so that could possibly be an explanation. Has anyone got any ideas?