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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Sneezy 14wk old Mini Lops

My husband took them to a local vet that was recommended by a friend that's been taking her rabbit there for 8 years now. She said they gave a upper respitory infection and has put them on a course of antibiotics and anti inflamitory medicine. She said they both seem very healthy other than this infection. They seem full of life and their weight is good. She said that there are only 2 medicines for rabbits so she's given us this one to try first. However, 7 days in and they are both still sneezing. We've been letting them in the garden for the last week instead of bringing them in for a run around, so I don't think it's the change of atmosphere as someone had suggested (possibly the breeder or vet). I see a return check and more medication on the cards once these meds have run out. Has anyone else ever experienced this and ever had their rabbits recover from it because I'm beginning to feel like this is going to be mine and their life now. We've only had them for 5 wks and for the whole time, at least one of them have been on oral medication, now both of them are on 2 syringes a day. Poor little loves. They are such cute, funny and affectionate characters. I just thought this would be a happy, loving comfortable life for them. Love, attention, affection and lots of space and instead it's daily meds that they hate being given. I'd have thought they'd have come to accept it by now but they still squirm and wriggle, backup and scratch to get away. The rest of the time they love being touched and lay for ages being stroked and chatted to!!

Unfortunately URTI in Rabbits can be a challenge to treat and fully eradicate. Sometimes the condition may become chronic, or it may have periods of remission and relapse. Any course of antibiotics usually needs to be long, often several weeks in duration. Whilst there are a limited amount of antibiotics specifically licensed for use in Rabbits a Vet can prescribe a lot of other types 'off license' using the Veterinary Prescribing Cascade



It is frequently the case that the antibiotic of choice needs to be one that is 'off license' eg an injectable Penicillin

This article gives some detailed information about URTIs and ear disease in Rabbits (the two can occur together but do not always do so)


Then there is this old RU thread which is long, but it may provide you with some helpful tips


Whilst having URT problems in such young Rabbits is not the best news it is not a total disaster and the condition can be managed even if it cannot be fully 'cured'. I had an Ex 'Meat Rabbit' who came into my care aged about 6 months and she had a horrendous Respiratory Tract infection. Whilst she was never fully 'cured' she had long periods of remission and she lived to be over 9 years of age. She was not on antibiotics all the time, just when a relapse occurred. Her passing was not associated with any respiratory tract issues.
My husband took them to a local vet that was recommended by a friend that's been taking her rabbit there for 8 years now. She said they gave a upper respitory infection and has put them on a course of antibiotics and anti inflamitory medicine. She said they both seem very healthy other than this infection. They seem full of life and their weight is good. She said that there are only 2 medicines for rabbits so she's given us this one to try first. However, 7 days in and they are both still sneezing. We've been letting them in the garden for the last week instead of bringing them in for a run around, so I don't think it's the change of atmosphere as someone had suggested (possibly the breeder or vet). I see a return check and more medication on the cards once these meds have run out. Has anyone else ever experienced this and ever had their rabbits recover from it because I'm beginning to feel like this is going to be mine and their life now. We've only had them for 5 wks and for the whole time, at least one of them have been on oral medication, now both of them are on 2 syringes a day. Poor little loves. They are such cute, funny and affectionate characters. I just thought this would be a happy, loving comfortable life for them. Love, attention, affection and lots of space and instead it's daily meds that they hate being given. I'd have thought they'd have come to accept it by now but they still squirm and wriggle, backup and scratch to get away. The rest of the time they love being touched and lay for ages being stroked and chatted to!!

Hi Louise,

I am very new at keeping rabbits, I know the others on here have way more experience etc. However, I have just been through the same scenario. I rescued a baby rabbit who was living outside until her partner died, then I brought her inside and she started sneezing. I was never away from the vets, and syringing her meds every week. I got upset too about having to do this to her. However, the antibiotics never worked and she ended up with GI Stasis 3 times. More vet visits. Then I had a really good chat with another vet who said she may be allergic to something in the house. Most likely dust, which can irritate them. I changed her hay to dust free, and started giving her Vit C supplements and putting Echineaca(?) drops in the water bowl. She still has little sneezes but nowhere near as bad. The vet said as long as the discharge was clear, there was no infection, most likely allergy related. You can give her Piriton also that stops massive sneezing fits, but best to check the dose with your Vet. Since the Echineaca drops I haven't needed the Piriton.
I was reading horror stories about all sorts of infections etc. but this has worked for me. Have a good study of her living arrangements and change what you can. I don't use any harsh cleaning products, and clean their litter box with apple cider vinegar etc. Try my best to keep the room dust free. Looking forward to the nicer weather too where they can go outside more and this seems to help her sneezing too.
My husband took them to a local vet that was recommended by a friend that's been taking her rabbit there for 8 years now. She said they gave a upper respitory infection and has put them on a course of antibiotics and anti inflamitory medicine. She said they both seem very healthy other than this infection. They seem full of life and their weight is good. She said that there are only 2 medicines for rabbits so she's given us this one to try first. However, 7 days in and they are both still sneezing. We've been letting them in the garden for the last week instead of bringing them in for a run around, so I don't think it's the change of atmosphere as someone had suggested (possibly the breeder or vet). I see a return check and more medication on the cards once these meds have run out. Has anyone else ever experienced this and ever had their rabbits recover from it because I'm beginning to feel like this is going to be mine and their life now. We've only had them for 5 wks and for the whole time, at least one of them have been on oral medication, now both of them are on 2 syringes a day. Poor little loves. They are such cute, funny and affectionate characters. I just thought this would be a happy, loving comfortable life for them. Love, attention, affection and lots of space and instead it's daily meds that they hate being given. I'd have thought they'd have come to accept it by now but they still squirm and wriggle, backup and scratch to get away. The rest of the time they love being touched and lay for ages being stroked and chatted to!!

Regarding medicines for bunnies, your vet is right - there are only two that are licensed for use. However, the vet can prescribe alternatives that he thinks are more suitable, and he doesn't have to try the two medicines first if they don't seem to be appropriate.

Many people have used injectable penicillin. It has to be injectable, as given orally it can destroy their good gut bacteria. I know some vets will say that it's dangerous for rabbits, but it's been used for almost 20 years with very good results. I would say though, that whatever antibiotic you use it often takes two/three weeks (if not more) before you begin to see an improvement.

Have you thought of building up their delicate immune systems using a supplement such as echinacea? My vet recommends it (though I had been using it on humans for long before I knew her!). You can get some here:


I use either a herbal fluid extract without alcohol, or break open a capsule. You can feed a couple of drops, or a small pinch two or three times daily for three weeks. I've found in intractable cases of upper respiratory infection that it works at least as good as, if not better than, an antibiotic. You can use it at the same time as other meds as there is no interaction :D

I hope this helps! Good luck :) xx
Thank you so much for your pearls of wisdom. It's s relief to hear that we may get periods of ease and the echinacea I will definitely look into further. The vet said that the male obviously needs to be well before he can be neutered and that's another 8 weeks away really yet, so I'm hoping that's long enough to clear this. We have a cover on the hutch due to the bad weather but for over a week now it's been open constantly in the hopes that better ventilation would help. My husband said that they are sneezing outside on the lawn though too so, I'm praying for the medication and tips helping clear or relieve this for them. Thank you again everyone
Sounds exactly like my Monte. He is an ex-breeder that was rescued by the RSPCA. He has snuffles, it flares up in times of stress and occasionally he will blow out white muck which I have to wipe up. He's been given multiple things by the rspca before I adopted him and nothing has completely erased it - but it doesn't affect him at all he just sneezes and snuffles in times of stress; when he's not stressed the odd loud nose blowing out can be heard. :) Just thought I'd let you know that even if it doesn't go away it is easy to live with (assuming that it is snuffles). He was also neutered with his snuffles and came out completely fine.

Good luck with your new buns xx
Thank you so much for your pearls of wisdom. It's s relief to hear that we may get periods of ease and the echinacea I will definitely look into further. The vet said that the male obviously needs to be well before he can be neutered and that's another 8 weeks away really yet, so I'm hoping that's long enough to clear this. We have a cover on the hutch due to the bad weather but for over a week now it's been open constantly in the hopes that better ventilation would help. My husband said that they are sneezing outside on the lawn though too so, I'm praying for the medication and tips helping clear or relieve this for them. Thank you again everyone

You're very welcome :D

I hope things go well for you and them :D
'Have you thought of building up their delicate immune systems using a supplement such as echinacea?

I use either a herbal fluid extract without alcohol, or break open a capsule. You can feed a couple of drops, or a small pinch two or three times daily for three weeks. I've found in intractable cases of upper respiratory infection that it works at least as good as, if not better than, an antibiotic. You can use it at the same time as other meds as there is no interaction :D'

Hi MM, I've just seen this thread, my new rabbit Dave also sneezes. I got him from the adopt section of pets at homes and they told me that they'd had to treat him for a respiratory problem so I did know about this. However, I decided to adopt him anyway. He,s really healthy, SO lively but does sneeze every now and then. Based on this thread, I've just ordered the echinacea. Can you advise me on how to administer this please? Do I put a couple of drops in his water? I'm going to bond him with Lucy when I get back from holiday, but want to make sure he's not still infected if it was this RTI? Thanks, Sarah xx
'Have you thought of building up their delicate immune systems using a supplement such as echinacea?

I use either a herbal fluid extract without alcohol, or break open a capsule. You can feed a couple of drops, or a small pinch two or three times daily for three weeks. I've found in intractable cases of upper respiratory infection that it works at least as good as, if not better than, an antibiotic. You can use it at the same time as other meds as there is no interaction :D'

Hi MM, I've just seen this thread, my new rabbit Dave also sneezes. I got him from the adopt section of pets at homes and they told me that they'd had to treat him for a respiratory problem so I did know about this. However, I decided to adopt him anyway. He,s really healthy, SO lively but does sneeze every now and then. Based on this thread, I've just ordered the echinacea. Can you advise me on how to administer this please? Do I put a couple of drops in his water? I'm going to bond him with Lucy when I get back from holiday, but want to make sure he's not still infected if it was this RTI? Thanks, Sarah xx

Hi Sarah :wave:

I personally don't put it in the water, as I'm not sure what they would be getting. I know some people do, but I like to know they are getting the full dose.

Of the herbal tincture I would give 2/3 drops three times a day, for about three weeks if possible. Every day. You could perhaps do it on food?
If you need an extra boost (perhaps in the future) then you can use echinacea with goldenseal. I tend to keep that up my sleeve for more serious issues.

Good luck xx