

Alpha Buck
Help got a serious slug problem around our bunnies hutch. Can anyone help?

We are starting to find them in the actual hutch now. Our hutch is raised of the ground. We go on a slug hunt every night.

Any idea what we can do about it?
Leave out a dish of beer (any kind) over night where the slugs tend to be. It seems to attract them (for some reason). So in the morning the tub will be full of [drowned] slugs.

Hope that helps
Or copper sticky tape which you can get from quite a few places online. The copper causes a small current when they cross it which apparently they don't like.
If you are feeding your rabbits mix with bran in it this is what they are after - they love bran and will gorge on it till they burst (believe me you don't want to put your hand in a bagful of bran when they have burst - blurgggghhh - it is horrid).

The beer trick works well apparently - now I have no problems with slugs as I have two hedgehog tracks in the garden so their snaffled up.

With love
riaob1 said:
(believe me you don't want to put your hand in a bagful of bran when they have burst - blurgggghhh - it is horrid).

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol

take yer word for it Maria :lol:
yeah i remember being told all bran works as it makes them explode! dunno if id want exploded slugs around tho :eek:
YUK! Burst slugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I put salt on some slugs that were on my grass and they all shrivelled up and you are left with a HORRIBLE mess. I kind of felt cruel doing it though as I am sure I could hear them screaming :cry:

I don't think I could do that again but YES they must be exterminated for bunnies' sake :twisted:
Hows about when you've had half a grapefruit for your brekkie.... cut a slug size hole in and place it where the slugs go (so it's like a little slug tent) and hey presto you should find they go in there (so I've been told) then you can just throw away the grapefruit half with the slugs in.
riaob1 said:
If you are feeding your rabbits mix with bran in it this is what they are after - they love bran and will gorge on it till they burst (believe me you don't want to put your hand in a bagful of bran when they have burst - blurgggghhh - it is horrid).

The beer trick works well apparently - now I have no problems with slugs as I have two hedgehog tracks in the garden so their snaffled up.

With love

The hedgehog in our garden eats the food we give her with the slugs eating it too. I am not convinced she even bothers with the slugs ;-(
Diddeen said:
Or salt around the base of hutch.. they dont like salt

This is REALLY cruel!

It must be incredibly painful for a slug to die this way. Like wise with the bran "idea"

I could never do this. Just imagine if somebody did this to your Rabbit's?

There is humane ways to deter them.

The Cooper idea works. Put a strip all the way around each leg of the hutch..

Slugs & Snails

Notoriously difficult to deter, but plants can be protected from decimation using:

Slug it out - protective recycled plastic ring that sits around seedlings or plants, its sloping sides and over-lapping lip keep slugs at bay. Available from The Natural Collection, tel: 01225 404010

You could stand Rabbit cage legs in the Slug it out pots.

Evil slugs ate my cacti seedlings. They are only here to be eaten by birds and heggie, evil evil things. (unlike fluffy cute monkeys who can never be evil)