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RWF conference 28th February Nottingham

ah well if you were lucky enough to be in vet stream..thats why we didn't spot you..we were all in the general lecture room:D
Oooh I don't know, there seemed to be lots of laughter coming through the walls...

What were the salient and most interesting points from the vets stream then? You realise we're all going to constantly badger you to tell us now don't you :lol:
Oooh I don't know, there seemed to be lots of laughter coming through the walls...

What were the salient and most interesting points from the vets stream then? You realise we're all going to constantly badger you to tell us now don't you :lol:

Oh no! :lol:
My brain hurts!
I still need to mentally process the information at the moment. I doubt there was a lot of difference between the two streams though,
By the way I wasn't the only RU'er in the vet stream: I heard someone refer to it when they asked a question. Someone's keeping very quiet here! :)
Oh No - I didn't realise anyone else was going to the pub - thought it was just Jill, Ange & Faye as no-one else commented. :( When they couldn't go Neil and I went straight home. :(

Great Day though - served more as a reinforcer to knowledge we knew than a teaching/learning day.

Two vets from our practice attended so I shall be getting the vet stream notes (they have promised). I am looking forward to comparing them.

Not sure about the choc triangles Jill - I can't decide between the blueberry muffins, double choc chip muffins, chocolate bunnies, chocolate eclairs or the choc triangle brownies! :lol:

Maria x
Chocolate éclairs were very good....and the cinnamon danish :lol: :lol:

Mmmmm.....I liked the Danish pastry too, Louise....of course I had to have one to stop my tummy rumbling, that was the only reason!!!! :lol:

I doubt the vet notes are vastly different from ours, there is only so much you can say about a topic....their questions might have been more informed but I am sure it is a nice opportunity for them to "network", just like it is for us! :D

And I agree, if I had one criticism, it would be the size of the names on the badges, they need to be much bolder...the badges were big enough to have accommodated much bigger and bolder type. :roll:
impatiently waits for someone to sownload or write up all their notes to share with the rest.. and very dissapointed that missed out on such good food!!! lol :) glad everyone had a good time x
I was chomping at the bit to go to this. I would have absolutely adored it.
They had to hold it on my birthday today though didn't they. :roll:
Atleast i got some lovely bunny cards :)
impatiently waits for someone to sownload or write up all their notes to share with the rest..

Off the top of my head, the most interesting things for me were the fact that the vet talking about EC feels that the 9 day course 2-4 times a year is an utter waste of time and money. His view is that you should do a 28 day course once only but making sure that you thoroughly disinfect the area to clear it of ec spores during that time - and particularly on days 21 and 28. So if you use a grassed area, you should move it at the end of the course and not use that patch again for 6 more weeks to ensure that the spores have died off.

The other particularly interesting thing was the study of anti-coccidia drugs, and this study showed that the dosage of baycox (toltrazuril) has been overstated 10* in the FHB book, but that if given at what they now believe to be the correct dosage of 2.5 mg/kg (not 25mg/kg as previous literature states), it results in around a 98% reduction in coccidia, and giving a single dose of this orally gives the best results. The other ways (sulfa drugs in water, or the baycox at a dose of 5 mg/kg) both still worked at over 90% reduction. It is also important to remove every piece of poop each day on the day before, of, and after treatment, to prevent high level reinfection. Sharon Redrobe feels that the fact that it doesn't kill it all is important, because it allows the rabbit to develop ongoing immunity, much like a vaccine.
Off the top of my head, the most interesting things for me were the fact that the vet talking about EC feels that the 9 day course 2-4 times a year is an utter waste of time and money. His view is that you should do a 28 day course once only but making sure that you thoroughly disinfect the area to clear it of ec spores during that time - and particularly on days 21 and 28. So if you use a grassed area, you should move it at the end of the course and not use that patch again for 6 more weeks to ensure that the spores have died off.

The other particularly interesting thing was the study of anti-coccidia drugs, and this study showed that the dosage of baycox (toltrazuril) has been overstated 10* in the FHB book, but that if given at what they now believe to be the correct dosage of 2.5 mg/kg (not 25mg/kg as previous literature states), it results in around a 98% reduction in coccidia, and giving a single dose of this orally gives the best results. The other ways (sulfa drugs in water, or the baycox at a dose of 5 mg/kg) both still worked at over 90% reduction. It is also important to remove every piece of poop each day on the day before, of, and after treatment, to prevent high level reinfection. Sharon Redrobe feels that the fact that it doesn't kill it all is important, because it allows the rabbit to develop ongoing immunity, much like a vaccine.

ohhh very interesting. thankyou :):):)
Yep Alison I would agree those were the two most interesting bits of info

two most attractive bits....well they were the two guys on the Excell stand!:oops::lol:
I still need to mentally process the information at the moment. I doubt there was a lot of difference between the two streams though,
By the way I wasn't the only RU'er in the vet stream: I heard someone refer to it when they asked a question. Someone's keeping very quiet here! :)

According to my vet it *may* have been Jane's vet who mentioned RU....she distinctly remembers someone mentioning the forum. :wave: