Ruby - photo added


Warren Scout
Our gorgeous little bunny Ruby, only 15 weeks old has died this morning under the anaesthetic whilst being spayed. I feel totally devastated, she was such a happy, friendly little girl and I never imagined anything like this would happen.

I keep thinking if only I hadn't taken her to be spayed she would still be OK. I feel just awful and so upset.

Oh no I'm so sorry :cry: :cry: Don't feel guilty... it wasn't your fault. You were only trying to help her :)
Binky free Ruby xx
awww I am so sorry :cry: I am surprised at your vets doing a spey on a bun so young to be honest :shock:

binky free baby Ruby bun :cry:
Oh I am so sorry, but please don't blame yourself! it wasn't your fault you did what you thought was right

Binky free baby Ruby
Our vet said she thought it was better to do them really young as they usually get over the operation really quickly. We thought we were doing the best thing for her. The vet who rang said that she started bleeding from her lungs and he doesn't know what happened, but thinks it was something congenital.
awwww poor little honey, my vets wont spey until they are 6 months old.

there was nothing you could do and she knew she was loved :)
I am SO SORRY :(
It was NOT your fault but your Vet should have known better than to spay such a young Rabbit... :( :(

Binky Free Baby Bunny

:cry: :cry:

Im so sorry :cry: , you must be devastated.

Im sure there are many people that have their buns neutered at 4 months who are fine, please dont blame yourself x
Thanks to everyone for their messages about little Ruby. We still can't believe it has happened. Everytime I think about her it makes me cry. She was only 15 weeks old but she was one of our foster bun Penny's litter so we saw her right from birth and we loved her so much.
so so sorry Linda .
please dont feel bad . it wasnt your fault . the same thing may well have happened if she had been 6 months old . :(

sadly we dont know these bunnies history . they could be interbred through several generations and they could have probs we may never know about .

sleep tight little bun :cry:

Angie x