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Rabbit Rehome Christmas Appeal 2007

Can names be added to the rescues list?
Bills rabbit rescue in Leek, staffs moorlands is the only dedicated rabbit rescue in staffordshire (as far as I know) and runs it pretty much single handed. Can we help him somehow?? He doesnt do the forum/internet thing so never gets put forward for these fundraising type things.

post their addr. and phone no., may be we can help
Phew, there are now 3 pairs of scales, 5 otoscopes, a big rabbit run, a box of toys, a box of bottle covers and eight or so heatpads moving around the country on their way to meet some bunnies.

Hopefully that will make a big difference to the health care for bunnies next year. I'm sure being able to check teeth and weight on arrival will help spot problems quickly.

No, Tam just told me there is a 2nd run (last min. order) at the end of the year, so for those of you who haven't donate and want to, there is time
No definitely not too late, any more I run out of time to spend this side of Christmas will go to rescues straight afterwards :D