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Rabbit Mites - Thought I'd Share this with you!

Thankyou Kat G:)

My Simba keeps getting fur mites too :roll: The other two dont seem to be affected like him at all. He's had several doses of the injections they give them but now my vet has given us the Xeno drops to try.. he's nearly had the whole lot.. 6 doses.. and although his skin looks alot better it is still a bit dry and flakey in places. Dont know what else to try :?

Diddeen, perhaps its the environment that keep reinfecting Simba?? If they have time on the grass, maybe its from there. I know wooden hutches are a nightmare as they can live in the cracks for a good few days then get back on bun, its a vicious circle. The reason I like the spray, is it actually repels fleas and mites so it stops them wanting to jump on it the first place, with the injections and drops, the mites have to crawl on bun and bite, before they are killed. I try and wear an apron and throw it straight into the wash, it is a pain but I cant stand them and to top it, I'm allergic to them, they can bite people and they make me swell and itch like crazy, hence why I try and be vigilant when a bun has them!

I think this year must be particularly bad for them as I've never come across so many before!:?
My Simba keeps getting fur mites too :roll: The other two dont seem to be affected like him at all. He's had several doses of the injections they give them but now my vet has given us the Xeno drops to try.. he's nearly had the whole lot.. 6 doses.. and although his skin looks alot better it is still a bit dry and flakey in places. Dont know what else to try :?

Is he bedded on shavings? I ask because shavings dry out guinea pigs skin, making them more succeptible to the mites flaring up - they always carry mites, but these only get out of control if they are stressed in some way.