What are the best high-fiber foods to include in a rabbit's diet to prevent digestive issues? I've heard hay is crucial, but are there any other recommendations for keeping their gut healthy?
You can also give them Readigrass in addition to Hay. A handful most days would be sufficient as it is higher in protein and calcium than Hay. Fresh grass from a reliable source is enjoyed by them of course. Lots more info on the Rabbit Welfare Association's website.
Really depends on your resources. I feed grass and weeds whenever available, hay, branches and and some veggies in winter, and they can forage whatever they find. Pellets on treat level to round off their diet.
There 's more than one way to feed rabbits right, and it also depends on the rabbit (breed, lifestyle, etc.), but hay with limmited pellets and some veggies (mostly green) most times is a good, and doable, choice for pet rabbits.
I think this is a pretty good sum up, but since there is more than one option you'll find different opinions out there .9
In addition to the above posts, please note that there are many varieties and cuttings of hay. Different bunnies prefer different ones. The best one for your bunny is one they eat.
When introducing any new foods, be sure to introduce them slowly and watch for signs like gassy tummy, soft poo, excess cecals. Not all varieties, individuals can eat the same foods.