

New Kit
Hi I’m new here, so my rabbits mated on the 29th nov, and on the 17th dec my doe started making a nest and pulling fur, she done it for the last 2 nights (only at night) she’s not due till the 29th/30th has anyone else experienced early nesting or fur pulling I’m really hopping it’s not a phantom x
Please separate her from your buck and get them both neutered.
for what reason? I’m asking if anyone has experienced their does pulling fur early? I’ve not experienced it with any of mine. I’m new to the forum not new to rabbits lol your comment isn’t useful to my question and basically irrelevant.
Reading your original post we do not know your level of experience with rabbits or your knowledge of risks associated with intact rabbits.

Most people on this forum have bunnies as pets and do not breed bunnies, so we have our pets neutered/spayed to avoid future health problems. Unspayed does are extremely vulnerable to uterine cancer by year four or five and it is a heartbreak I experienced myself with my late Black Velvet. Prior to that experience I had a doe who was pregnant and she had a baby stuck requiring veterinary care.

Years ago I had a doe who had phantom pregnancies and she would pull fur/nest even without a mating. If you are experienced with bunnies and understand their anatomy you may be able to gently palpitate her tummy to feel for the kits, or your vet can to determine if she is pregnant.
I understand that, but what relevance was that comment to my post? There was nothing in the slightest. I personally would only comment on a post if I was replying to a question they’ve asked. Mine are pets, I have the knowledge about most thing to do with rabbits but in my experience I’ve never had a Doe pull fur early hence why I’ve reached out to someone with a similar situation, it’s like no one is allowed to breed their pets to experience a beautiful thing these days. Just get them done. Thank you for your comment regarding what my post was originally about I will have I little feel, or book her in for an ultrasound x
A vet visit sounds like a good idea, especially if she does not kindle by her due date.

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