Pooping Bunny


Young Bun
Hi, my female bunny lost her partner a couple of weeks ago, recently I have acquired a rescue neutered buck and they live next to each other. However i have noticed that neither use their litter trays, the doe has always been very clean and used her tray, instead she sits near the wire to the buck and poops basicly where she lies, any ideas why things have changed
This is classic territorial behaviour with each bunny trying to mark their territory. It will continue until they are properly bonded.

What are your plans for bonding them together?
This is classic territorial behaviour with each bunny trying to mark their territory. It will continue until they are properly bonded.

What are your plans for bonding them together?
I am going to start bonding them shortly, I have already had them together in a small neutral space, the doe seems desperate to be fussed but the buck isnt yet up for it, I have bonded two other pairs in the past so I am hoping to try the same way again