Bonding my boy and girl?


Young Bun
I have reached an en passe, both have been together in a small area, altho struggling for a neutral area, the seem to spend more time gazing around instead of at each other, the buck keeps nudging her , but she is ignoring him, he actually got into her run by accident and she completely ignored him, when he got to near to nudge her she just ran to the other side, no aggression at all. She lost her long time partner a month ago, and I got the buck from a charity (neutered) and they live next to each other. The lie close, Not sure how to proceed and get them to notice each other especially the Doe
I would just leave them. There's no point in getting them to do something just because you think they ought to. If they are comfortable around each other and no aggression, that's a good outcome.
It is a good sign that the Doe ran off. It means she is being submissive which is far better than a feisty Doe who attacks the male. It sounds like they will be fine if left together!
I agree with the advice given by Shimmer and also tonibun. I think they will be fine if left together too, although obviously you will need to watch for reactions. Will probably be better too if they are left together 24/7, which will get rid of any confusion as to what their situation is.

Good luck :D