Wise Old Thumper
As the Christmas Amazon wish list/shoe box appeal has been such a huge success for the past couple of years, thanks to our supporters kind and generous donations
We've decided to run it again this year.
This is where we ask people to donate suitable rabbit or guinea pig items before Christmas and we collect them all up and make up a parcel of goodies for the PaP Rescues. The Parcels will be sent out in December so the Rescues will receive them in time for Christmas.
Basically it will run the same as last year you can either take a look at our Amazon wish list
and purchase an item/s from it, they will be sent direct to me. Our Amazon wish list can also be found by searching for a wish list on Amazon.Co.UK search for Pledge a Pound.
Or you can collect up several items and send them to Susan, in a shoebox style parcel similar to the photo shown below. If you wish to do this please send me a PM to request the address. Places like The Range & Wilkinsons sell very reasonable dried herbs, treats and willow toys suitable for rabbits and guinea pigs.

Or if you prefer you can purchase item/s from another online retailer, and have them sent directly to me, to save you posting them on, obviously if you wish to do this you will also need to PM me for my address, some online retailers still offer free postage, or free over a certain amount, which of course would be even better
if anyone knows which online companies still offer free postage please let me know.
Don't forget whichever online retailer you decide to buy your donation/s from if you go through Easyfundraising first Pledge a Pound will also get a donation as a %age of your purchase, this is free for you and us, here's the link
If you would like to see suitable type items you can take a look at our Amazon wish list, which has been updated this year. The donations must be suitable for either rabbits or guinea pigs or both. This year I am asking for small light items, nothing heavy or bulky in size due to postage costs. NO heavy bags of food, hay bales of any size, litter trays, lazrge tunnels, etc. Items like toys, treats, dried herbs, fleece blankets, medical items such as Panacur, Critical Care, Fibreplex, Biolapis, cotton wool buds etc. would be ideal.
The rabbits and guinea pigs at our Rescues will really appreciate an extra toy or a few treats this Christmas
To ensure there is plenty of time to make up the parcels and ensure the Rescues receive them before Christmas please make sure your parcel will arrive on or before Saturday 10th December.
If anyone has any questions please reply to this post, or send me a PM.
Thank you
Some of the donations from previous years[/color]

This is where we ask people to donate suitable rabbit or guinea pig items before Christmas and we collect them all up and make up a parcel of goodies for the PaP Rescues. The Parcels will be sent out in December so the Rescues will receive them in time for Christmas.
Basically it will run the same as last year you can either take a look at our Amazon wish list
and purchase an item/s from it, they will be sent direct to me. Our Amazon wish list can also be found by searching for a wish list on Amazon.Co.UK search for Pledge a Pound.
Or you can collect up several items and send them to Susan, in a shoebox style parcel similar to the photo shown below. If you wish to do this please send me a PM to request the address. Places like The Range & Wilkinsons sell very reasonable dried herbs, treats and willow toys suitable for rabbits and guinea pigs.

Or if you prefer you can purchase item/s from another online retailer, and have them sent directly to me, to save you posting them on, obviously if you wish to do this you will also need to PM me for my address, some online retailers still offer free postage, or free over a certain amount, which of course would be even better
Don't forget whichever online retailer you decide to buy your donation/s from if you go through Easyfundraising first Pledge a Pound will also get a donation as a %age of your purchase, this is free for you and us, here's the link
If you would like to see suitable type items you can take a look at our Amazon wish list, which has been updated this year. The donations must be suitable for either rabbits or guinea pigs or both. This year I am asking for small light items, nothing heavy or bulky in size due to postage costs. NO heavy bags of food, hay bales of any size, litter trays, lazrge tunnels, etc. Items like toys, treats, dried herbs, fleece blankets, medical items such as Panacur, Critical Care, Fibreplex, Biolapis, cotton wool buds etc. would be ideal.
The rabbits and guinea pigs at our Rescues will really appreciate an extra toy or a few treats this Christmas
To ensure there is plenty of time to make up the parcels and ensure the Rescues receive them before Christmas please make sure your parcel will arrive on or before Saturday 10th December.
If anyone has any questions please reply to this post, or send me a PM.
Thank you
Some of the donations from previous years[/color]