People don't understand bunny love!!

My friends and family know I love my buns and will tolerate me going on and on about them :lol: The main two responses I get from other people are either 'they belong in a cooking pot' :evil: or 'now you've got boys and girls you can breed them and make some money' :roll: That's not why I got them!
I was overcome with delight this evening when I went to see if Mottle and Peaches were ok. M. was lying stretched out in the sunshine with his cheek resting on the ground and Peaches was sitting near by in the loaf position with her ears flat against her back. xx

I cleaned out Frosty, Snowflake, Tessie and Daisy and just loved watching them explore the freshly cleaned litter trays. They are all soooo pretty in their different ways.

I love love love watching Autumn and Sunshine (belgian hares) and just cant get over how smooth and silky Sunshine's fur is.

I love to watch my rabbits and I especially like to see them eating grass!

Also there is nothing like a pile of rabbits all cuddled up together :love:

Fortunately a large number of my friends genuinely appreciate the rabbits and my family like them cos I do x
Amy deliberately pushed her toys off the couch today whilst my mum was bunsitting as I cleaned her cage, and now she's sitting on me as I scratch her head and purring.

I love cats and dogs, I hope to have my own at some point, but thing is, they're predators, and may kill other animals when outside; that doesn't stop me loving them, I understand it's their nature, but as I love all animals it's still distressing, whilst the most damage a rabbit could do is to your garden (though inside is another matter!).

And now she's washing. Oh, toesies!

There is a great amount of very pure love in a rabbit's heart. It is so unconditional and unselfish, they are just wonderful. They are my best friends, and far better companions than any animal, human or other.