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Orchid and Sam


Mama Doe
The rabbit year has not begun well at all. Poor Orchid was put to sleep as the enormous inoperable lump on her neck combined with her worsening snuffles, arthritic paws and the bitter cold meant that her quality of life had deteriorated too far. She has passed beyond suffering but leaves her poor husbun Blackberry alone and sad. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to bond him with Primrose, Petunia and Cleo so he has plenty of bunnygirls to cuddle up to. Sadly he lost Thuthu who had been his longterm companion about a month ago, so he is doubly bereaved:(

We also lost poor darling Sam yesterday when he succombed after having a dental. To be fair it was not the dentals fault, he just wasn't strong enough, it was done a last ditch attempt to save him, but didn't work. He had suddenly deteriorated after years of ill health and teeth trouble.

Run free lovely soft Sam, and darling Orchid.
Im so sorry that you lost two of you beloved bunnies in such a short space of time.Sleep tight Orchid and Sam xxxxxxx