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Omg nooo ...vibes please for beryl MONDAY UPDATE POST 34

Lots of vibes for a speedy recovery
When my rabbit didnt eat after a tooth removal (2) she was very poorly she even stopped breathing in the procedure.
She took the medicine well though and got better very soon
Adding our get well vibes for dear Beryl (((((((((((((vibes))))))))))). She was looking so lovely and regal in her pix the other day. I hope she's feeling better.
Beryl still not well .
Eaten a little kale...a couple of dandylion leaves and a few bramble leaves .

still very very quiet .

been to the vets ... she still has gut sounds ...no blockage ..heart and lungs fine ...no temp ... no spurs on teeth that she could see but her very back ones are a little long .

we have to keep her on metacam , zantac and metaclopromide and hope for an improvement ...if not then she may be admitted for a dental and exam under ga :(
It's always a worry when they're not eating but there's no obvious reason for it. Hoping little Beryl improves soon... :wave:
Beryl is eating ...and when i gave her her meds this morning she tried to take off my fingers ..:shock:.:D

yaaaaaaaaaaaayy her nortiness is back :D:D:D