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New Sections... your thoughts?

Would you like the following sections?

  • Adult

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Young People

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The image we're all carefully talking around wasn't a problem to me, as you say you could find it in a geogrphy mag, it was the chat around it that you probably wouldn't find in national geographic ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: That is the problem though, as when an image is posted in all innocence (as it normally the case), it prompts debate and chat...and the original postee never knows where that chat may lead :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Everyone is one tenterhooks as to what will happen next :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We have already mentioned about adding more moderators in the past, but as Tamsin says, if the rules are not agreed beforehand it wont be any good :roll: :lol: :lol:
well I seem to have missed all the controversy recently, I havent had as much time for internet browsing while the kids have been at home :cry: thank goodness they go back to school tomorrow, then I'll at least know what all the fuss is about :lol: :lol: :lol:

see, told you I was a nosey parker :roll: :roll: :roll: now where is my ticket to Washington DC :lol: :lol: :lol:
Adele said:
The image we're all carefully talking around wasn't a problem to me, as you say you could find it in a geogrphy mag, it was the chat around it that you probably wouldn't find in national geographic ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: That is the problem though, as when an image is posted in all innocence (as it normally the case), it prompts debate and chat...and the original postee never knows where that chat may lead :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Everyone is one tenterhooks as to what will happen next :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We have already mentioned about adding more moderators in the past, but as Tamsin says, if the rules are not agreed beforehand it wont be any good :roll: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

I agree, what about to be able to post links to some f the not so nice animal sites, there is one keep wanting to high light about testing on rabbits, but I've held back because the pictures are not so nice. In fact it did upset me, but that aint hard to do :lol:
How do members feel about a new section being called the Contraversial debate section :?: This will be an area you have to sign up for, and could incorporate the more relaxed (adult)chat area with some of the welfare stuff that is could be upsetting to some....not entitled the Adult section as such, but people could choose whether to view it or not, and admin and mods would know where to head to monitor more heated debates?
Could this be a compromise :?:
That does sound good :thumb:, I am very consciene that my vegan views are a bit extreme and I don't want to offend anyone with them, it would be nice to go somewhere, where such issues can be talked about witht people who are only there to talk about them, witout people innocently getting dragged in. Also it would be good to put some of the extreme animal issues on :D
Adele said:
How do members feel about a new section being called the Contraversial debate section :?: This will be an area you have to sign up for, and could incorporate the more relaxed (adult)chat area with some of the welfare stuff that is could be upsetting to some....not entitled the Adult section as such, but people could choose whether to view it or not, and admin and mods would know where to head to monitor more heated debates?
Could this be a compromise :?:
How would that work with younger members? Would they be able to choose what they do and don't want to see?

Just an enquiry!! :lol:
loopylop said:
How would that work with younger members? Would they be able to choose what they do and don't want to see?

Just an enquiry!! :lol:

Hiya :) Well I personally feel that every section of the forum should be open for all age groups to view with a common code of conduct / rules for all.

If others agreed with this philosophy, then could members be asked to get parental permission to view that section (only Tamsin can say if that is practically possible or not)

Or it is only viewable by those aged 16 and over :?: But this creates the age classes again :roll: :lol:
Any ideas folks :?: :wink:
SOAD said:
That does sound good :thumb:, I am very consciene that my vegan views are a bit extreme and I don't want to offend anyone with them, it would be nice to go somewhere, where such issues can be talked about witht people who are only there to talk about them, witout people innocently getting dragged in. Also it would be good to put some of the extreme animal issues on :D

:D :D :D Okay it seems like we may be nearing a compromise :wink: :)
Lets keep working on the idea then :)
Adele said:
How do members feel about a new section being called the Contraversial debate section :?: This will be an area you have to sign up for, and could incorporate the more relaxed (adult)chat area with some of the welfare stuff that is could be upsetting to some....not entitled the Adult section as such, but people could choose whether to view it or not, and admin and mods would know where to head to monitor more heated debates?
Could this be a compromise :?:

sounds good to me...also if 'innocent' debates start to get out of hand in general thread, may be they could be moved rather than deleted :?:
tupperwarequeen said:
sounds good to me...also if 'innocent' debates start to get out of hand in general thread, may be they could be moved rather than deleted :?:

Yes this would be the idea :wink: :)
As long as people do not abuse it and start breaking the rules by thinking they can make personal attacks on others in the contraversial area :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :roll: it could work well :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think it will give people more choice of what they view, as some members just want to come into RU for a chat and giggle, and others want to get hot under the collar and debate welfare issues...at least the two areas may be better defined :?: :)
That makes more sense :thumb: I don't think you can escape the 'ageist' issue really though, as it's just a fact that if you're under 16, you're legally classed as a child :?
AlisonA said:
That makes more sense :thumb: I don't think you can escape the 'ageist' issue really though, as it's just a fact that if you're under 16, you're legally classed as a child :?

:D :D :D :D Thanks Alison :D :D
Some really good points raised on this thread.

I have voted for both sections, BUT, probably not for the reasons originally envisaged.

1) As Tree has pointed out, the demographic of the forum has changed substantially since it's inception. I am another one who does not post or browse as frequently as I used to, since the general conversation has changed a lot.

2) The userbase is so large now that the sheer number of posts in GC means that it is impossible to read them all, and I am finding I am missing posts that I would otherwise have been interested in. As Tree says, they can dissapear of the first page within hours sometimes.

By separating GC into age brackets, the number of posts in each will decrease to a more manageable level, and additionally the posts will TEND to be in the interests of those in that age group.

However I think people should still be free to post in whatever group they wish, whatever age they are. I can certainly understand teenagers feeling annoyed at being treated like "children" and barred from adult conversation, and I can also see the older ones dipping into the younger forum to give advise or just get a fresh persective on things.

I'm not sure that having "exclusive" areas to the forum for reasons of adult content is a good idea. For one, those under 16/18 are going to feel left out and marginalized. Also the "adult" section will either become a repository for "smut" which I can see Adele is concerned about, or it will become a "haven" for the older ones and the younger ones will start missing out on their input. I think all areas should be open to all.

I am not sure what to suggest about "inappropriate" content. On a personal level I found nothing remotely offensive about the recent controversial posts, but then my personal opinion is irrelevent since we all have different values. It seems obvious that pornographic material has no place on a rabbit forum, but the occasional "naughty postcard" type humour is part of adult life. If such posts had been made in an "older" group, then perhaps there would be fewer complaints because such banter would be expected.

If parents are concerned about children reading such things, then they could simply tell them to keep to the younger group. Of course they can ignore such rules, but at least then the parent has no right to complain when a topic is clearly in the older group. If children want to access inapropriate content against their parents wishes then nothing is going to stop them.

One of the bodybuilding forums I post on has seperate general sections for "Teenagers", and "over 30's". Although this is primarily for the physiological differences between age groups when training, it has also worked very well as a grouping for general discussion. There is no restriction on posting, and all age groups tend to dip in and out of each other's areas, but the general tone of the groups is different.

I think the naming is perhaps better than "16 and over" because that by definition tends to make you think of innapropriate content, whereas it should be purely a social grouping.

Blimey, I've rambled on a bit! Soz! :oops: <gets back to work>
SOAD said:
Jeremy, very well put :D

Touche :D :D :D :D :D Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions Jeremy :D

Could we have a grading system green for the friendly relaxed area and red for the hot discussion area :?: :lol: when things start to go from green to amber we move them into the red section :shock: :lol:
Hello Jeremy *waves* you are missed around here you know :(

Jeremy said:
I think the naming is perhaps better than "16 and over" because that by definition tends to make you think of innapropriate content, whereas it should be purely a social grouping.

Well we clearly need a 'controversial issues' forum as I'm about to disagree with you :lol: I think calling things by age (even if just teenage/over 30 will totally alienate and marginalise the younger posters. I don't think anyone would dream of separating into "UK users" and "overseas users" as although there are differences, there are also many issues on which we share a common interest and can learn from each other, so I don't see why this should be any different. In any case, I don't want to admit that I'm over 30 :lol:

However I think people should still be free to post in whatever group they wish, whatever age they are.
But that doesn't solve one of the issues that Tams and Adele are trying to get round - namely parents being concerned at the content that their children are seeing. I don't have a particular issue with the creation of an adult section but do think that badging it 'controversial issues' including animal welfare issues which may cause distress or offence to minors, would make it more palatable for new people.

Also the "adult" section will either become a repository for "smut" which I can see Adele is concerned about, or it will become a "haven" for the older ones and the younger ones will start missing out on their input.
I don't think that need necessarily happen - if there is a forum for controversial debate, and adults are tending to use that place for general chat instead of the usual, then intensive moderation by moving the location of posts will help to establish what should be posted where. This would possibly need more people to have those admin rights, initially at least, until the format settled.

Edited now I've looked up how to spell controversial :lol:
Just to add info to the mix:

It's possible for us to set up 'groups' which give people different access. For example, you probably already know that only rescues have access to start topics in rabbits in need. Users that are rescues are added to a 'rescue' group which has permission to post.

It can work the other way around to so for example parents could request we made it so their child couldn't view a particular forum.

I think Jeremy could be on the right lines with dividing but giving everyone access though. I think that alot of it is some people don't want to see certain topics and with everything grouped together it's hard to tell what's what until you read it.
I think the teenager and over 30s is a good way to divide it so people can choose the areas they frequent by social groupings and not age per say.
I think that all members have access to every area, UNLESS parents say their children are barred from the 30s section, then that is their individual parental right.
Tamsin thank you for telling us what practical things can be put into place


Best wishes
AlisonA said:
Hello Jeremy *waves* you are missed around here you know :(
Cheers :). Bit bogged down with work at the mo :(

AlisonA said:
Well we clearly need a 'controversial issues' forum as I'm about to disagree with you :lol: I think calling things by age will totally alienate and marginalise the younger posters.
Actually I think we agree. I was actually AGAINST calling it 16 and over ;) :lol: :lol:

AlisonA said:
Jeremy said:
However I think people should still be free to post in whatever group they wish, whatever age they are.
But that doesn't solve one of the issues that Tams and Adele are trying to get round - namely parents being concerned at the content that their children are seeing.
Well yeah, I did admit that my reasons for wanting were different. I do think though that having labelled areas will help people's expectations of content though. At the moment "General Chat" is obviously open to children, so I can see why parents are perhaps concerned with some content.
AlisonA said:
I don't have a particular issue with the creation of an adult section but do think that badging it 'controversial issues' including animal welfare issues which may cause distress or offence to minors, would make it more palatable for new people.
Yeah, the "controversial issues" idea came up whilst I was still writing my waffle. Seems like a good idea, but I'm not sure lumping in "Adult general chat" with it is clear. They are two different areas of discussion. Just because I am wanting to talk to older folks doesn't necessarily mean I want to discuss controversial issues.

Also the "adult" section will either become a repository for "smut" which I can see Adele is concerned about, or it will become a "haven" for the older ones and the younger ones will start missing out on their input.
I don't think that need necessarily happen - if there is a forum for controversial debate, and adults are tending to use that place for general chat instead of the usual, then intensive moderation by moving the location of posts will help to establish what should be posted where.[/quote]
Hmm. Yeah, you might be right. I just worry that adults using the controversial area for general chat will cause everyone to just jump over there for chatting rather than GC. At least that way I suppose people can't complain when dodgy posts come up. :?