New French Lop bunny seems very shy


New Kit
So this is my first French Lop and we have had her about a week now. The breeder says she was handled daily by adults and kids, and she seems comfy in her large cage. However she seems very shy, and doesn’t want to come out, only takes some high value treats (like carrot slices) from your hand. Compared to our Dutch bunny who was very curious from day one (we will eventually intro them to each other but want to build a bond w her first).

Should I just wait until she comes out of her own accord into the larger enclosure? Have read everywhere that French Lops are very sociable and friendly, which is the reason we got this breed. I want to make sure we do it all right!

Should we keep handling her daily as she was used to at the breeder, with treats of course? Or just leave her be?

She also shakes her head a lot, ears flopping. heavily. Is this a sign of ear mites or wax already or if it just something French Lops do?

Total noob with this breed and just as the to bond to us well and safely xx
I'd just give her more time. She's just moved into your house from the only home she's ever known, which is a big change, so she has to get used to all the new things and people. Just spend a lot of time with her without forcing anything (so, let her come to you, and no petting unless she comes and asks for it, and no picking her up, and always give her space to get away from you), let her get used to you, make sure she feels safe, and let her explore on her own terms when she's ready for it. Breeds can have certain characteristics, but in the end they're all individuals with their own personalities, so she might just be a shy bunny.

I have no experience with French Lops, but the head-shaking doesn't seem like a normal thing to me regardless of her breed, so personally I'd get that checked out.
I would get the Rabbit Vet checked. A lot of head shaking is indicative of ear mites or an ear infection. Lops are very prone to ear disease. She will also need her vaccination if this has not already been done.

What type of surface is in the enclosure ? Many Rabbits hate hopping on surfaces like laminate or hard wood.
Bunnies have such different personalities. I would give your bunny time to bond with your on their own terms.