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New Cage


Young Bun
Hi Everyone
Was wondering if anyone on here was selling a Ferplast 120 indoor rabbit cage in Manchester?
My bun has the smaller one, but its too small now, so looking to upgrade.
Thank you
Hi Everyone
Was wondering if anyone on here was selling a Ferplast 120 indoor rabbit cage in Manchester?
My bun has the smaller one, but its too small now, so looking to upgrade.
Thank you

They sell them in p@h for about £70-75, or have a look on ebay if you want a bit cheaper and don't mind a 2nd hand one?
I bought one from p@h it was £75 but I don't think they are big enough to keep a bunny in as there home mine is just used for her hay and litter pan till hopefully I get her another husbun then she's got a new 12ftx4ft dog kennel and run with an attached 6ftx4ft run for through the daytime :D
Yeah, I'll probs just get one from pets at home. He has the run of the house all day, every day. He just goes in his cage at night.
A cage that small is no good for even overnight I'm afraid. Rabbits are active at dawn and dusk so unless you get up before dawn and go to bed after dusk every day then they are shut inside a tiny space for a large chunk of their active time. The recommended minimum for outdoors is a six by two hutch with permanently attached eight by four run ao you can see the huge difference between that and a two or three foot cage.
A cage that small is no good for even overnight I'm afraid. Rabbits are active at dawn and dusk so unless you get up before dawn and go to bed after dusk every day then they are shut inside a tiny space for a large chunk of their active time. The recommended minimum for outdoors is a six by two hutch with permanently attached eight by four run ao you can see the huge difference between that and a two or three foot cage.

:thumb: we closed Poppy in a 48 inch dog crate and an attached puppy pen overnight but she was chewing the bars so she has the crate open 24/7.. And the difference :love: she zooms around everywhere so fast! And so many binkies! :D we thought she was lazy because she still had over 8ft of space but give her the room and she loves it :D