New bunny room:)


Wise Old Thumper
Is finally finished (almost) :D Bunnies however moved in a few weeks ago. We had the wall knocked down between our kitchen and dining room so that we could put in a lovely big kitchen/diner, only problem was that the 8ft double storey bunny hutch lived in the dining room.... SO, whilst the builders were making a hole in the wall - we got them to put an extra one in....into the garage alongside the house. OH has since subdivided the garage, made a suspended floor (with insulation underneath) and insulated walls too, lino'd the floor, put in lighting etc, the boiler is in there which keeps it warm too and a heater is going in soon, meanwhile the door to the kitchen/diner is open to let in the heat from the house.... bunnies love it - have their own room now and a door directly into the garden as well. Okay, it's our new 'utility room'...but really it's the bunny room!! :D:love: Also means that when the baby arrives they can have some peace and quiet. :)


Bolts and bits on floor is because OH is in middle of plumbing in washing machine and new sink in there too when I took the photo...


Hutch has been freshly painted.


And my homemade bunny sign is finally in place! Took me almost 3 days of painting to make it :D:D
That sounds and looks great Vicky!! :love: What lucky bunnies they are to be so well looked after and so much consideration given to their needs. :love: Love the sign too.

Though you do know we actually need photos of the occupants?! :? :lol:
That sounds and looks great Vicky!! :love: What lucky bunnies they are to be so well looked after and so much consideration given to their needs. :love: Love the sign too.

Though you do know we actually need photos of the occupants?! :? :lol:

Oh yeah! :lol: I forgot something was missing! :oops:
They only go back to bed at night-time - about now actually! :shock: I will try and get a picture later when they are actually tucked up for the night....currently upstairs in the sitting room with me :D
Oh yeah! :lol: I forgot something was missing! :oops:
They only go back to bed at night-time - about now actually! :shock: I will try and get a picture later when they are actually tucked up for the night....currently upstairs in the sitting room with me :D

Ok I will let you off then!! :lol::lol::lol: Look forward to seeing them enjoying their new space later. Bless them.
It looks fab, well done. :D Love how the sign has their names on and it is painted in the colour of their fur! :love:

Ahh... but did you notice the ears as well?! ;) hehe! :lol:

And thanks everyone, for your nice comments.... it's taken a lot longer to finish it all than expected and we still have the whole of the rest of the house to finish now! :roll::lol: But priorites and all that! :D
The new bunny room sounds great, and I love the sign :D Looking forward to seeing bunny pics xx
That's one of the best set ups I've seen. You've thought of every bunny need both physical & psychological. I bet they think they've arrived to a bunny palace! I love the sign too. The 1st. thing I saw was the ears - I love bunny ears! :oops: