Wise Old Thumper
Is finally finished (almost)
Bunnies however moved in a few weeks ago. We had the wall knocked down between our kitchen and dining room so that we could put in a lovely big kitchen/diner, only problem was that the 8ft double storey bunny hutch lived in the dining room.... SO, whilst the builders were making a hole in the wall - we got them to put an extra one in....into the garage alongside the house. OH has since subdivided the garage, made a suspended floor (with insulation underneath) and insulated walls too, lino'd the floor, put in lighting etc, the boiler is in there which keeps it warm too and a heater is going in soon, meanwhile the door to the kitchen/diner is open to let in the heat from the house.... bunnies love it - have their own room now and a door directly into the garden as well. Okay, it's our new 'utility room'...but really it's the bunny room!! 
Also means that when the baby arrives they can have some peace and quiet. 
Bolts and bits on floor is because OH is in middle of plumbing in washing machine and new sink in there too when I took the photo...
Hutch has been freshly painted.
And my homemade bunny sign is finally in place! Took me almost 3 days of painting to make it

Bolts and bits on floor is because OH is in middle of plumbing in washing machine and new sink in there too when I took the photo...

Hutch has been freshly painted.

And my homemade bunny sign is finally in place! Took me almost 3 days of painting to make it