Neutered male & baby unsprayed female bun

Hi I have a 20 week old mini lop he is 3 weeks post neuter and I’m so tempted too get a baby female from the same breeder I got him from but I’m unsure about baby bond / baby bun not being spayed is this going too be more hassle than it’s worth ? I don’t have space too separate them as he currently has a cage / large pen in my living room and is free roam when at home. the breeder has offered too take my bun too bond in the bath tub at hers a few times then take home after a couple of meets but I’d hate for anything too happen too my bun when her hormones kick in.. I would get her spayed when old enough but I just want advice first before I make any decisions.


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Ideally you'd want to wait at least a few more weeks for his hormones to fully die down post-neuter before introducing anyone else to avoid any accidents. In theory introducing a young female once his hormones have died down should work but bathtub bonding is considered quite stressful, it wouldn't be my preferred choice. You wouldn't want to go from a couple of dates to putting her straight into "his" territory at home so you'd need two spaces, even if just for a few weeks. I'd also recommend having a second space available while she goes through the initial recovery phase from her own spay so you'd need to consider having space for two cages at least temporarily.
When your boy is 6 weeks post neuter it should be possible to introduce a baby girl. The younger Rabbit may well be a little scared at first so I would ensure she has somewhere to hide until she feels more confident. You would need to watch them closely for a few hours when you first introduce them to make sure the male is being friendly towards her. She will need to be spayed at about 6 months old.