And now that I have got over my severe wobble, here are some photos of the still captive bunny. Note the cats in the last two photos!
The weather got colder and while I still feel guilty about his confinement, I'd be more worried about him if he were loose in the field. He gets out and about once a day - the photos show the cat run which is where he managed to squeeze through some unsecured (but now secured) lower wire. Little muppet. :roll:
Thank you Candiflare for your suggestions.
His (actually, he's developing a dewlap so maybe he's a her) colour does make him a prime target for foxes but also because he doesn't have anywhere to bolt, no burrow.
They are social animals, aren't they? So being alone in his cage or in his run isn't very satisfactory for him. So I am going to put aside all thoughts of re-releasing him next spring and will try and find him a good home. I have one or two contacts here in Normandy but my fear is that he'll end up in a similar situation to where he was before he escaped so I'll have passed him on to no better a life.
I could try and get the other animals to accept him and if I had unlimited time I would but having him as a house rabbit at this time (though it is appealing!) isn't practical. Unfortunately.
If I build him a run here - alongside the chickens - that would be foxproof... but he'll be surrounded by cats who really want to eat him which presumably would be stressful for him? Though he shows no fear of them presently.
A few questions:
He has unlimited, good quality hay. I also put in handfulls of dandelion leaves, grass, plantain and other greenery twice a day. It goes down well. What quantity of greenery should I be giving him, though? Is there any field greenery that I should avoid - docks or nettles for eg (both of which I
am avoiding!)
Can I give him bits of cabbage, broccoli, celery...? green vegetables that I buy for us. How about the occasional nut? We have lots of walnuts nuts.
He's got fleas. Does he need treating against fleas - and, for that matter, worms? Obviously wild rabbits don't get treated but perhaps a captive rabbit should?
He is in the polytunnel - the temperature in there last night was 5°C so not freezing but not far off. There are no drafts, he has a small "cave" lined with lots of hay and he seemed fine this morning. At what point should I be concerned and bring him into the utility room - which is probably too warm but better than freezing his paws off.
We have got a polytunnel heater to keep the temp above freezing but we're concerned there might be some carbon di(mon?)oxide fumes which wouldn't be good for Rabbit so I'm reluctant to use it.