My new black belgian hare (:

:love: they are gorgeous :love:

i think my girl bella is a hare cross :wave:


hehe, thanks :) She is a sweetheart, she is brilliant for picking up, and loves laying like a scarf across your shoulders on the settee :D
Just so you know Nasha the person you bought that sweetie from is soly a pet breeder shes doesnt show or breed for any reason except ££££s
not that shes charges more than £20 for them anyway
just thought you should know
My Four Hares,


Rosie -Black and Tan Doe, :) (6 months)

Rocky - Red Buck <3 Friendliest Bun in the World! (RIP -2012, ten months old.)

Chester, my Newest addition (15 weeks)

Roo, - Red Buck, My First Beautiful Belgian hare (RIP, - 2011 3years)
Hi there :wave:

LOVE your Belgies!!! :love:

My friend and I would be honoured if you were to join our group on Facebook, provided you have a Facebook account! Just visit Belgian Hare International and click 'Join Group' and either I or the other Administrator will accept :) We'd love to see more photos. :thumb:
I took a Belgian hare as a rescue from someone and they had others that were in need as well. The BH is now with my friend.

I have a real hare who has even bigger ears than the BH!!!
Tiff it's a thread from 2011, I don't think this poster even comes on here anymore
But she said at the start of the thread she got here from a lady called Sarah in Warwickshire who breeds for the money